In recent years labour migration has become linked to huge profits made by companies and agents involved in the recruitment and placement of such labour. The people running this industry seem to have considerable influence on policy decisions, affecting in turn the possibility of good policy and good governance. The government must detach itself from such vested interests, and seriously plan and draw up a comprehensive framework for the good of all, Malaysians and migrants. It was in such a context, and with such an objective, that the Migrant Workers Right to Redress Coalition organised a series of consultations with all stakeholders on the main aspects of labour migration.

Four roundtables reflecting the theme ‘Towards a Comprehensive National Policy on Labour Migration’ were held between August and October 2016. Each Roundtable focused on a specific aspect of labour migration, and between them covered Recruitment, Employment Rights, Undocumented Labour, Arrest and Detention, Social Security, Health and Housing, Family, Children, and Socio-Cultural Rights. Representatives from different Ministries and agencies of the Malaysian government, embassies, employers organisations, workers’ organisations, migrant workers, civil society, and academia attended and contributed to the roundtables.

We forward the recommendations in this Report to the government and its agencies to come together and draft a much-needed comprehensive policy on labour migration. A comprehensive policy is long overdue; and of course we offer our support and input.

Migrant Workers Right to Redress Coalition July 2017.

Towards A Comprehensive National Policy on Labour Migration for Malaysia [PDF] by Migrant Workers’ Right to Redress Coalition, Published July 2017.