Speeches Collection – MP Sungai Siput
Dear Reader,
I have tried to use my position as a Member of Parliament to present an alternative analysis of the problems that we are facing this 21st Century, as well as to sketch out a vision of how our society could evolve in a more humane and just manner. There are multiple opportunities to do this, as Parliamentarians have the opportunity to respond to the various legislations that the government presents.
Private Member’s Bills would serve as good avenues to suggest alternatives to the nation, but such Bills are hardly ever listed on the Agenda Paper. Usually they get spiked by the Speaker in his Chambers – unless like RUU 355, the Bill serves the political purpose of the Prime Minister. I put in a Private Member’s Bill in 2016 regarding individuals trapped in inter-faith situations. It didn’t get past the Speaker’s Office – but I referred to it in my intervention on the Budget of the PM’s Department. So my effort wasn’t completely in vain.
Another tactic I sometimes use is to propose amendments to legislation that the government tables. If one observes the rules, these amendments do get to be debated. Of course they are usually voted down, but if one’s intention is to highlight particular issues, that purpose is served. I did that twice in 2016.
It has been our practice to bring out a compilation of my parliamentary speeches annually for distribution in the Sg Siput constituency. We have been publishing BM, Mandarin and Tamil booklets of these parliamentary speeches since 2009 so that the constituents can see what their parliamentary representative has been saying in their name. This is the second time we are coming out with an English version as well.
I would like to thank Susan Lim, Letchimi, Nithiya, Shazni, Madhavi, Vino, Janice, Francis Janurius and Seng Hean for help in translating and editing this compilation. I hope you, the reader, will find these speeches interesting. Please get back to me if there are any issues you feel strongly about. A poster I first saw 40 years ago said – we should not have to wait for roads before heading in the direction we wish to travel – paths develop when individuals start walking in the same direction.
Let us together develop those paths that lead to a more inclusive, just and enlightened society.
Jeyakumar Devaraj
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