A New Deal for Malaysia – Socialists Launch Progressive Recovery Plan

A New Deal for Malaysia – Socialists Launch Progressive Recovery Plan


A New Deal for Malaysia – Socialists Launch Progressive Recovery Plan

In the last 18 months, we have been fighting Covid 19 and the pandemic induced economic crisis that followed due to business shutdowns and movement control restrictions. As of November 2020, around 100,000 people have lost their jobs and many more in the informal sector would have lost their income. 

The pandemic has exposed the failures of Capitalism the world over and Malaysia has not been spared. Although business shutdowns and movement control orders were imposed across the board to all sectors of the population, but the impact on society varies along class lines. The poor were the most badly hit.  Many lost their jobs as SME’s struggled to survive and self- employed micro business had to shut down their hard built businesses when costs outran their revenue. They were forced to look for alternate source of income overnight.

Besides losing their source of livelihood, urban poor staying in 650sq feet PPR public housing found it impossible to carry out social distancing and worst still isolation if their family members were required to be quarantined. 

Malaysia’s has a long standing conviction to the neoliberal path by detracting from government’s responsibility of providing for the basic essential services for the rakyat and promoting privatization of public services. After three decades of aggressive privatization, we are left with a weakened public healthcare system, monetized education, dismantled safeguards for workers, an increase in precarious work, unaffordable housing and a widening disparity between the rich and poor. 

The pandemic shattered the already weak social security system, throwing poor households and even the M40 into sudden poverty. Some of the hard lessons the pandemic has thought us are; 

  1. The Pandemic and its induced economic crisis, hits the B40 the hardest. Despite the undistinguishable attack of the virus amongst the rich and poor, but a household’s income and job security often determines if they can remain resilient throughout the pandemic. 
  2. Jobs that were taught to be secure could just vanish overnight and many were left to fend for themselves, struggling desperately to put food on the table. Without a comprehensive social security system, many fell through the cracks.
  3. We were always told to believe that the private sector is the key driver for economic progress that provides jobs for the rakyat. But when economic downturn strikes, private sector faltered and downsized their workforce and froze new job openings. Many projects were put on hold, and unemployment soared to 4.8% as at June, 2021(DOSM). The impact is larger as many have been forced from formal employment into underemployment and informal work. 
  4. Although policy makers always pushed for more privatization of healthcare, health tourism and incentives for private medical care, but it has been blatantly proven that was the public healthcare system that provided care to the rakyat under the pandemic. Private healthcare was reluctant and moved extremely slow to relieve the load off government hospitals to take in Covid patients.
  5. Sectors of our working people often forgotten and marginalized by many were actually the ones holding up the nation in times of crises. Those that provided essential services such as farmers, cleaners, garbage collectors, lorry drivers, delivery riders played a critical role to keep the supply and services going.  We realized that it was not the fund managers, the speculators, the stock marketers and the bourgeois elite that stood out in these trying times.

These hard lessons need to be understood and, acted upon, so that we don’t make the same mistakes again. These experiences have taught us that it cannot return to business as usual and we need to seriously to revamp our economic and development model in order to make ourselves more resilient to future crises.

But the political and corporate elite whom were least affected economically and socially by the pandemic, will not be jolted to offer a progressive alternative for Malaysia. The neoliberal, corporate driven economic model of the Barisan Nasional over the last 60 over years was sadly continued by Pakatan Harapan in its 22 month stint at Putrajaya. It was merely a change of guards with minimal attempt for structural change.

PSM believes that the task of ensuring basic needs are met for the rakyat is the responsibility of government. The government cannot stop at extending easy credit to the banks and giving cash incentives to businesses to preserve and/or create jobs. But we believe that given the marked loss in aggregate demand, these stimuli will not solve the problem as elaborated above. 

Trickle down approach fails to solve core structural problems in our policies.  Has the political elite realized that they must step in and supply basic needs and services when the market fails to do so?

In this time of crisis, the people without income will be marginalized if we rely on market based approaches. The market fails when human need is not backed up by purchasing power. There is a real risk that a significant number of Malaysian families will not be able to provide basic needs – food, shelter and health care for themselves! And that is not acceptable!

As a paradigm shift towards a progressive people centered action plan, PSM puts forward a new deal for Malaysia. The new way forward attempts to take Malaysia on a path to dismantle the adverse effects of neoliberalism by enhancing our social security and rebuilding our basic support pillars for the rakyat’s well-being. Our new deal proposals are aptly themed “Permintaan Rakyat Mudah Je” translated to mean “People’s Needs Are Straightforward”

The action plan “Pemulihan Nasional Haluan Baru Untuk Malaysia – Permintaan Rakyat Mudah Je” propounds 5 PILLARS as follows; 

  1. Empowering Social Security 
  2. Job Guarantee Scheme 
  3. Housing a human right 
  4. Reinforcing Public Healthcare 
  5. Immediate Action to tackle Climate Crisis. 

The ideas being put forward by each pillar are briefly stated as follows; 

Empowering Social Security for working people

  1. Introduce a Modified Universal Basic Income 
  2. End outsourcing of government services and absorb contract workers as permanent government staff.
  3. Amend Labour and Social Security Acts to provide protection for ‘gig’ workers and precarious employment. 
  4. Reform PERKESO’s Employment Insurance Scheme
  5. Monthly pensions for those above 65 years old

Job Guarantee Scheme

  1. Green jobs.
  2. Increase job opportunities in farming and food production. 
  3. Construction and equipping healthcare facilities. 
  4. Jobs in conservation activities, re forestation and restoration of heritage sites.
  5. Increase Research opportunities in medical and pharmacological activities.
  6. Increase social welfare workers to provide direct assistance to the needy.
  7. Ground officers to monitor implementation of government programs. 
  8. Childcare work 
  9. Socialization of housework 
  10. Reduce working hours
  11. Compel Government Linked Companies to fund and initiate such job guarantee schemes 
  12. Introduce a law against anti- discrimination in employment.

Housing a human right

  1. Build more PPR units for the B20
  2. Decouple public housing from the market
  3. Stop forced evictions of urban pioneers. Offer land to occupiers not third parties. 
  4. Establish a Non- profit trust fund to build houses for the B40. 
  5. Maintenance of low cost housing apartments to be taken over by local councils.

Strengthen Public Healthcare System

  1. Rope in General Practitioners to assist treating patients with chronic diseases to relieve the burden of Government Hospitals.
  2. Use levy collected from migrant workers to pay for their healthcare cost.
  3. Government should bear the cost of implants and surgical accessories at Hospitals. 
  4. Ministry of Health budget needs to be increased.
  5. Quality and affordable healthcare is social wage for the rakyat.

Immediate Action to tackle Climate Crisis

  1. Towards 100% renewable energy.
  2. Address pollution from Petroleum Industries.
  3. Increase public transport infrastructure and ridership.
  4. Moratorium on logging and mining in primary reserve forest.

The proposals outlined in the document “Pemulihan Nasional Haluan Baru Untuk Malaysia Permintaan Rakyat Mudah je” requires political will driven by clear class perspective and an anti -neoliberal stance to push for concrete changes. Malaysia’s recovery and progress requires a serious paradigm shift decoupling itself from neoliberal policies that have clearly failed to saveguard the rakyat’s interest in times of crisis.

PSM will expand on each of this proposal through various outreach programs planned from now, after the launch of the campaign yesterday 9th Sept, 2021 by PSM National Chairperson Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj.

Sivarajan A
PSM Secretary General

Read the full document (Malay), or watch the launch program.


PEMULIHAN NASIONAL : Haluan Baru untuk Malaysia

PEMULIHAN NASIONAL : Haluan Baru untuk Malaysia

Kelemahan struktur pentadbiran Malaysia telah didedahkan apabila pandemik COVID-19 melanda.

Sistem ekonomi neoliberal jelas gagal melindungi rakyat terbanyak apabila sebuah pandemik sebegini menyerang kita. Pemerintahan yang pro-korporat telah melemahkan batu asas jaringan perlindungan sosial selama ini lalu mendedahkan rakyat kepada pelbagai tekanan sosioekonomi.

Kegagalan tersebut perlu diatasi untuk pulih dari pandemik ini serta mengukuhkan asas jaringan perlindungan sosial supaya kita bersedia menangani cabaran pada masa akan datang.

Oleh itu, PSM melancarkan suatu pelan PEMULIHAN NASIONAL : Haluan Baru Untuk Malaysia dengan seruan “Permintaan Rakyat Mudah Je” untuk mengalakkan rakyat bersama menentukan hala tuju pembangunan negara.


Batalkan Terus Projek Lombong Nadir Bumi di HSK Ulu Jelai dan penempatan Orang Asli Pos Lanai

Batalkan Terus Projek Lombong Nadir Bumi di HSK Ulu Jelai dan penempatan Orang Asli Pos Lanai


Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) mengalu-alukan kenyataan YAB Menteri Besar Pahang Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail pada 24hb. Ogos, 2021 di Dewan Negeri Pahang bahawa tiada kelulusan pajakan melombong untuk nadir bumi Lanthanide di HSK Ulu Jelai, Lipis yang juga menjadi penempatan Orang Asli Pos Lanai.

Beliau mengatakan bahawa “Permohonan baru akan diproses oleh Pejabat Tanah dan Galian (PTG) dan akan ada laporan awal teknikal. Ada dua perkara yang mesti dipatuhi iaitu Kajian Penilaian Impak Alam Sekitar dan Skim Pengendalian Melombong (OMS) sebelum pajakan lombong boleh diluluskan. Tanpa dua perkara ini, mereka tidak boleh beroperasi.” YAB Menteri Besar berkata demikian apabila menjawab soalan-soalan dari YB Lee Chean Chung (PKR-Semambu) dan YB Young Syefura Othman (DAP-Ketari).

Tiada Pajakan Melombong Lanthanide Dikeluarkan Di Jelai – MB Pahang

Walaupun, pengerak projek (syarikat perlombongan) pernah melampirkan suatu surat ‘kelulusan’ dari PTG Pahang dalam Laporan Terms of Reference EIA nya ( Kajian Penilaian Impak Alam Sekitar), tetapi kami berharap YAB Menteri Besar akan kekal dengan keputusannya untuk tidak meluluskan apajua pajakan perlombongan nadir bumi dan terus membatalkan projek lombong nadir bumi Lanthanide di HSK Ulu Jelai ini.

PSM bersama pelbagai organisasi alam sekitar dan masyarakat prihatin telah menyuarakan bantahan kami kepada projek ini kerana pencemaran alam sekitar yang teruk akan berlaku jika lombong toksik ini dibenarkan.

Perlombongan ini yang akan mengunakan suatu teknologi in-situ leaching melibatkan proses mengepam bahan kimia dalam tanah Hutan Simpanan Kekal untuk mengeluarkan mineral yang mengandungi elemen nadir bumi Lanthanide. Penempatan terdekat yang akan kena tempias projek perlombongan ini ialah Kampung Orang Asli Pos Lanai kerana tapak lombong berada dihulu Sungai Telom. Sungai Telom yang menjadi sumber air kepada semua aktiviti kebun, ikan kepada komuniti Orang Asli Semai ini, mengalir betul-betul melalui tapak perlombongan ini!

Selain dari itu juga, yang merisaukan lagi ialah Sg Telom dan juga Sg Jelai merupakan ‘river basin’ Sungai Pahang yang menjadi sumber air untuk rakyat Pahang. Kami juga dimaklumkan oleh Pengurusan Air Pahang (PAiP) bahawa loji-loji air yang mengunakan Sg Jelai telah ditutup sebanyak 23 kali sepanjang tahun 2020 sebab aktiviti perlombongan dan perladangan yang mencemari punca air. Pihak Suruhanjaya Pengurusan Air Negara ( SPAN) juga memberikan amaran bahawa terdapat 18 ‘water intake’ ,iaitu 5 loji rawatan di Sg Jelai dan 13 loji di Sg Pahang yang terpaksa ditutup jika pencemaran berlaku. Ianya akan menyebabkan bekalan air untuk lebih 120,000 akaun penguna terputus di seluruh Pahang.

Maka, kami berharap Kerajaan Negeri akan terus membatalkan projek ini, yang akan membawa kemudaratan jangka panjang kepada alam sekitar dan masyarakat setempat, Orang Asli Pos Lanai. Tindakan sedemikian adalah selaras dengan hasrat KDYMM Pemangku Raja Pahang yang menekankan prinsip Environment, Social dan Governance (ESG) dalam titah baginda semasa pembukaan Dewan Negeri Pahang pada hari Isnin lalu.

Sivarajan A
Setiausaha Agung Parti Sosialis Malaysia

Kenyataan kami terdahulu

Dewan Negeri Pahang – Hentikan Perlombongan Toksik di HSK Hulu Jelai!

Dewan Negeri Pahang – Hentikan Perlombongan Toksik di HSK Hulu Jelai!

Parti Sosialis Malaysia menyeru kepada semua Ahli Dewan Negeri Kerajaan Negeri Pahang yang akan bersidang pada 23hb.Ogos.2021 ini, agar membatalkan segera projek perlombongan nadir bumi Lanthanide yang diluluskan oleh Kerajaan Negeri Pahang. Susulan kelulusan yang diberikan oleh Pejabat  Tanah dan Galian Pahang pada tahun 2019, syarikat perlombongan Aras Kuasa Sdn Bhd akan membersihkan 660 ha kawasan Hutan Simpanan Kekal Hulu Jelai, Kuala Lipis Pahang untuk melaksanakan perlombongan ini.

Kami amat terkejut mengetahui bagaimana suatu kawasan yang masih diklasifikasikan sebagai Hutan Simpanan Kekal dalam Rancangan Tempatan Daerah Lipis boleh di nyah wartakan dari rizab Hutan Simpanan tanpa melalui proses bantahan awam.

Pengerak projek Aras Kuasa Sdn Bhd memperkenalkan suatu teknologi perlombongan yang dikenali sebagai ‘in-situ leaching’. Proses in-situ leaching ini melibatkan proses, mengepam bahan kimia kedalam tanah dan melarutkan bahan mineral yang dikehendaki. Teknologi dari China ini tidak pernah dilakukan di Malaysia lebih-lebih lagi dikawasan Hutan Simpanan Kekal.

Perlaksanaan teknologi tersebut di Jiangxi selatan China juga menimbulkan pelbagai masalah pencemaran komposisi tanah, pencemaran air bawah tanah dan air sungai. Pengumpulan bahan kimia yang akan dimasukkan dalam tanah selama dua tahun (tempoh aktiviti perlombongan) ini akan terkumpul dan mencemari alam sekitar untuk jangkamasa panjang, selepas pengerak projek mengaut keuntungan dan meninggalkan tapak lombong. 


Rakyat telah bangkit membantah projek kilang pemprosesan nadir bumi di Lynas Kuantan Pahang, walaupun nadir bumi tersebut diimport dari Australia dan ianya hanya diproses di Lynas. Tetapi, projek ini lebih teruk lagi , kerana nadir bumi Lanthanide ini akan dilombong di bumi Hutan Simpanan Hulu Jelai , mengunakan suatu teknologi yang belum terbukti setakat mana ianya akan mencemari alam sekitar.

Penempatan terdekat yang akan kena tempias projek perlombongan ini ialah Kampung Orang Asli Pos Lanai kerana tapak lombong berada dihulu Sungai Telom.  Sungai Telom yang menjadi sumber air kepada semua aktiviti kebun, ikan kepada komuniti Orang Asli Semai ini, mengalir betul-betul melalui tapak perlombongan ini ! Komuniti Pos Lanai lah akan menjadi masyarakat pertama yang akan terkesan secara langsung jika perlombongan ini dibenarkan.

Sudah kah kita lupa bagaimana Orang Asli dari suku kaum Bateq Kuala Koh Kelantan meninggal dunia akibat pencemaran dipercayai dari air lombong mangan selepas perlombongan itu ditutup.

Lokasi tapak perlombongan ini juga dipercayai duduk di punca air ‘river basin’ yang mengalir ke Sungai Pahang yang menjadi sumber air untuk rakyat Pahang. Kami juga dimaklumkan oleh Pengurusan Air Pahang (PAiP) bahawa loji-loji air yang mengunakan Sg Jelai telah ditutup sebanyak 23 kali sepanjang tahun 2020 sebab aktiviti perlombongan dan perladangan yang mencemari punca air.  Pihak Suruhanjaya Pengurusan Air Negara ( SPAN) juga memberikan amaran bahawa terdapat 18 ‘water intake’, iaitu 5 loji rawatan di Sg Jelai dan 13 loji di Sg Pahang yang terpaksa ditutup jika pencemaran berlaku . Ianya akan menyebabkan bekalan air untuk lebih 120,000 akaun penguna terputus.

Justeru itu, para Ahli Dewan Negeri secara bipartisan harus membantah projek perlombongan ini dengan segera kerana kos kemusnahan alam sekitar, pencemaran air dan kehilangan nyawa tidak dapat digantikan dengan hasil pulangan cukai dan royalti kepada dana Negeri.

Sumber Alam adalah harta warisan keseluruhan rakyat Pahang dan bukanlah milik khas mana-mana Kerajaan yang memerintah. Kerajaan hanyalah bertugas sebagai pemegang amanah yang menjaga warisan alam ini bagi pihak rakyat. Maka dilarang mengondol kekayaan sumber alam untuk kepentingan segelintir, lebih-lebih lagi apabila ianya menghancurkan alam sekitar untuk generasi yang akan datang. 


Sivarajan A.

Setiausaha Agung Parti Sosialis Malaysia

Lessons Learnt: Need To Build A Progressive Alternative

Lessons Learnt: Need To Build A Progressive Alternative

By Sivarajan A, Secretary General, Parti Sosialis Malaysia

The only positive outcome for the rakyat whom have been mere spectators to the unfolding political drama these couple of weeks are the hard lessons we can learn from it.

We are in this mess because of two reasons; one because we trusted lock stock and barrel our politicians ; two the bourgeoisie democratic system is flawed and need to be fixed.

Let’s not forget, Pakatan whom we trusted to save Malaysia from the kleptocrats fell from a coup within and not from any attacks of its political enemies from the outside. So what happened? Why did we have turn-coat politicians amongst Pakatan’s fold? Was Anwar fooled or did he know of the fox amongst the sheep?

For the ¬rakyat we are not privy of these political games played by politicians, because we were so overwhelmed by the wave to topple BN in 2018.

But recently we were also taken aback, when some Pakatan leaders recently ‘welcomed back’ the same defectors whom they were condemning as pengkhianat for the past year. In a rush to meet enough numbers for Anwar. These turn coats suddenly became our savior. Similar maneuvers were also made by Mahiaddins camp to consolidate support from the kleptocrats.

The rakyat has gotten sick of these never ending games by the political elite. This has led to the recent narrative amongst many that politicians cannot be trusted. Either we choose to shun politicians or not, but no solution will come if we isolate ourselves from politics. If we are disappointed with the elite politics then we should aggressively build alternate solutions in preparation for GE15, so that we don’t make the same mistakes again.

Firstly while the parliamentary democracy system that we have today has many deficiencies but, at the moment, it’s the only way into legislature so that real changes can be made. But in order to get the right people in to make those changes we need to make informed choices by really asking key questions like;

  1. What are the candidates or the party they belong to political ideology? It’s about time that we dump race based parties, as over and over again they have proven to only enrich the elite amongst their race by fear mongering that the ‘others’ are out to take away your rights. Race rhetoric keeps them in power!
  2. What is their class perspective, are they speaking from a T20 position looking down or can they relate to working peoples issues? Was their election campaign funded by big businesses, which they will have returned a favor by approving projects for later?
  3. Will they be principled and brave enough to take on big businesses when they pollute the environment and destroy communities?
  4. Besides handing out ‘bakul makanan’ during difficult times, will they also put forward concrete policies to overcome poverty?
  5. Will they challenge neoliberalism that seeks to privatize healthcare, education by degrading the quality of public service to enrich private investors?
  6. Will they protect the right of people with different sexual orientation or seek to mock and victimize them?
    The list goes on…

These are not difficult questions, but they are questions that will define the candidate when as an MP or ADUN, how they will solve your everyday problems.
It all boils down to the political ideology and agenda that the aspiring politician and his party have to offer.

The presence of these progressives might not be enough to form the government, but at least they could be an independent block offering fresh perspective in Parliament. We need a form a progressive 3rd block in Parliament that can echo a clear voice against neoliberalism, racism and the power of capital.

The 2nd lesson that we have learnt is that the system shapes politicians into corrupt and self-serving individuals. How is this so? Firstly, the remunerations and perks of an MP, immediately rockets you into an “orang kayangan”. A goodhearted MP without sound ideological grounding on the issues mentioned above will soon find a place in the corrupt system.

Furthermore the system has in place a very strong structure that serves political patronage. BN, PN and PH have used it for their own political leverage. Maybe PH didn’t explore it as sophisticated as BN did during its 60 year plus tenure.

While concerned citizens and civil society organizations are enthusiastically making a wish list on how this ‘new’ pandemic cabinet should be, but the political elites are making a list of their own. Unfortunately it’s not the same list.

For Ismail Sabri the 9th Prime Minister that will take oath and come to power soon, he is already charting a path for his continued stay in power. This means consolidating political power by any means necessary. And we have a polished system in place that enables this. The various government agencies, GLC’s, departments etc. all wait for political appointees to head them. On top of that you can always create a new position when all the chairs get filled up.

Until when we break this cancerous system, the corrupt political financing mechanism where government contracts are given out to party members so that there will be kickbacks to party funds will continue to feast.

It feeds further all the way to buy support for political camps as we have seen since the infamous Sheraton move.

Thus, while we need to pressure the Ismail Sabri’s ‘interim’ government to deliver and take us out of the pandemic, but we also need to build a progressive political force with socialist, youths, workers, grass root movements, climate activist, gender activist, human rights activist and many more to break the hegemony of the two party bourgeoisie parliamentary system. We need to end the situation of having to choose the lesser of two evils in the absence of a truly people centered progressive alternative.

Parti Sosialis Malaysia Secretary General
20th Aug, 2021.




Semalam, rakyat Kedah dikejutkan dengan banjir kilat di sekitar kawasan Yan yang menyebabkan kemusnahan harta benda dan alam sekitar. Rakaman dalam media social, menunjukkan visual banjir lumpur yang deras melalui kawasan perumahan itu sangat menakutkan dan memberi impak yang teruk kepada rakyat biasa yang sedang melawan pandemik Covid-19 pada masa kini.

Kejadian tersebut nampaknya dari suatu lokasi yang ditelah ‘bersihkan’ samaada kerana aktiviti pembalakan, pembangunan ataupun kerja kuari. Arus air melimpah melepasi kawasan tadahan air tanpa kawalan dan halangan semulajadi iaitu pokok-pokok hutan rimba.

Sahabat Alam Sekitar (SAM) mensyaki banjir ini adalah punca dari pembersihan kawasan dari pokok, dikawasan hutan di Gunung Jerai. SAM dan masyarakat setempat pernah mengheret Kerajaan Negeri Kedah ke mahkamah untuk menghalang perlombongan kuari yang intensif di kawasan berkenaan beberapa tahun yang lalu tetapi mereka kalah.

Walaupun aktiviti yang merosakkan alam sekitar dan kemungkinan banjir akan berlaku pernah diutarakan oleh pihak aktivis sebelum ini, malangnya kejadian banjir ini membuktikan kegagalan apajua tindakan mengelakkan perkara ini. Akibatnya, rakyat jelata terpaksa menanggung penderitaan akibat kesan banjir teruk ini.

Menteri Besar, Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor pula pernah berkata pembalakan tidak akan dihentikan kerana Kerajaan Negeri akan kerugian berbillion ringgit. Adakah MB sedar bahawa banyak aduan SPRM terhadap pembalak-pembalak haram pernah dilaporkan ? Jabatan Alam Sekitar Negeri (DoE) sendiri mengakui bahawa tiada kelulusan EIA diberikan kepada aktiviti pembalakan di beberapa kawasan seperti Rimba Teloi dan Gunung Bongsu. Tahun lalu pula, Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Kedah (JPNK) menahan seorang lelaki yang melakukan aktiviti pembalakan haram di kompartmen 50 Hutan Simpan Rimba Teloi, Sik, Kedah.

Adakah ini menunjukkan Kerajaan Negeri bersikap was-was membuat penguatkuasaan kerana risau hasil pembangunan, pembalakkan akan terhenti dari disalurkan ke dana Negeri jika penguatkuasaan ketat dilaksanakan?

Tetapi jika hasil kepada Negeri difikirkan, sekarang siapa yang akan tanggung kos kerosakan harta benda dan nyawa rakyat yang terjejas? Siapa yang akan tanggung, kos pembaikpulihan infrasturktur yang rosak?

MB harus menyarankan suatu penyiasatan bebas dan segera keatas trajedi ini tanpa melindungi mana-mana pihak ataupun kepentingan politik Kerajaan Negeri.

PSM mencadangkan suatu Jawatankuasa Bipartisan dibawah Dewan Negeri Kedah dianggotai oleh ADUN-ADUN Kedah harus dibentuk segera untuk menyiasat perkara ini . Selain dari kejadian di Yan ini, jawatankuasa ini harus menyiasat pembalakan dan perlombongan haram di Negeri Kedah. Jawatankuasa ini juga harus diberikan kuasa untuk mengarah mana-mana pihak berkuasa Negeri dan syarikat swasta berkaitan untuk menjawab didepan panel inkuiri khas ini. Hasil penyiasatannya harus dijadikan laporan umum kepada rakyat Kedah.

Sumber Alam adalah harta warisan keseluruhan rakyat Kedah dan tidak dipunyai oleh mana-mana Kerajaan yang memerintah. Kerajaan hanyalah bertugas sebagai pemegang amanah yang menjaga warisan alam ini bagi pihak rakyat, dan dilarang mengondol kekayaan sumber alam untuk kepentingan segelintir.

Sdr. R. Karthiges
Penyelaras Zon Utara PSM (Kedah)
Ahli JKuasa Pusat PSM



I wish to clarify my tweet that was questioned by friends and critics on why did I say PH should make a deal with PN  to stop politicking and focus on pandemic relieve measures for the rakyat. I am afraid the brief tweet failed to capture fully what I wanted to express in relation to Tony Pua’s comment.

In essence my thoughts are that we face the most serious health crisis of its existence and thousands more are at risk of losing their lives to the Covid 19 virus, the political elite of the country remain engrossed in political scheming.

It is my believe that no Government has a convincing majority to ensure stability and the only way forward is for an interim unity Government as our statement on the 4th August. My tweet in no way is an endorsement for Mahiaddin that he continue to stay in power but merely a suggestion that PH should talk to PN to form an interim unity government until we can return to election for a fresh mandate from the rakyat.

As clearly stated in our PSM earlier statement, we want the vote of Confidence in Parliament to be done now not September. If Mahiaddin fails to secure support, new PM needs to take over to form a interim unity government. We also suggested for a date be fixed for election possibly year from now.

The rakyat should observe closely how the political elite conduct themselves in this crucial period. Are they able to put aside their political games and focus on the well-being of the people? We are in solidarity with the many who put the peoples interest first and we are committed in building a political movement that is grassroots based and can put forward leaders who truly represent the interests of the ordinary citizens.

Dr Jeyakumar (Dr Kumar)
Parti Sosialis Malaysia Chairperson.




4TH AUGUST, 2021

The most enlightening thing about the Prime Minister’s address was that he is willing to test his majority in Parliament when it sits in September, 2021. This would finally put to rest who has the majority once and for all in the open and not is secrecy.

In the next one month PSM feels that the PM will use all his power to buy support, destabilize UMNO through Registrar of Societies (ROS), since it is under the PN government‘s ‘control’. It would also enable pro-PN UMNO camp Hishamuddin and Ismail Sabri team to consolidate their power within UMNO. Whatever done, the rakyat is only interested that Covid 19 cases drop and people are able to resume their livelihood. This perhaps would the biggest challenge the current Government faces.

Most Malaysians are actually fed-up with the current political crisis. They want the Pandemic to be controlled and they feel that Mahiaddin’s failure was in handling the Pandemic rather than his questionable ability to get majority support in Parliament. Covid would ultimately decide the faith of this Government as it has done in to many other Governments in the world.

In these times of uncertainty PSM calls for all Public Institutions and Civil service like the PDRM, MACC and DG of KKM to remain professional and avoid being used by the political elite for them to remain in power and assist the Government by suppressing freedom of expression and protest. Democracy and freedom are always compromised when the ruling party is in crisis.

S. Arutchelvan
Deputy Chairperson
Parti Sosialis Malaysia

Siri 30 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011) – Ulangtahun ke-10

Siri 30 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011) – Ulangtahun ke-10

Siri 30 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011)– Ulangtahun ke 10.


29 Julai 2011

Dr Kumar memulakan mogok laparnya pagi ini. Persatuan Doktor , Malaysian Medical Association mengeluarkan sebuah kenyataan media menyatakan kerisauan mereka terhadap kesihatan Dr Kumar yang memulakan mogok lapar. MMA juga mengingatkan pihak berkuasa bahawa mereka dilarang mengagalkan aksi mogok lapar ini dengan memberikan makanan secara paksa.

 “ In this regard, the MMA calls upon the authorities to respect international human rights law and not to resort to force-feeding as a means of ending Dr Jeyakumar’s protest. The World Medical Association (WMA) – the body that establishes ethical guidance for doctors around the world – states that force-feeding by any means is considered as unethical and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment”

“ In accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Malta, the MMA urges the authorities to appoint one of our MMA members as the physician involved in the management of Dr Jeyakumar during his fast, so that we can be assured of his health and welfare and can communicate this with his family and friends on a regular basis, and can intervene medically if and when appropriate, while respecting Dr Jeyakumar’s autonomy and right to carry out this form of non-violent protest”

Pada hari juga suatu memorandum diserahkan kepada Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu United Nations , menyeru agar badan antarabangsa itu turut mendesak penmbebasan PSM EO6. Walaupun dihalang oleh polis , tetapi akhirnya kami berjaya menghantar memorandum tersebut.

Pada jam lebih kurang 1pm, Setiausaha Agung PSM, Arul mendapat maklumat dari Pejabat Menteri Hishamuddin Hussein Onn yang PSM EO6 akan dibebaskan. Demi merekodkan maklumat ini, dan untuk mengunakannya jika mereka tidak ikuti janji tersebut, maka beliau menghantar suatu email pada jam 1.35pm.

“ Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) mengalu-alukan pengumuman Menteri Dalam Negeri dan Ketua Polis Negara atas pembebasan enam orang pemimpin PSM tanpa syarat dan kemungkinan mereka akan dihadapkan ke mahkamah kelak. Ini merupakan apa yang diminta oleh kami dari dulu iaitu – mereka dibebaskan atau didakwa di mahkamah.

Kami berterimakasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu dalam membolehkan 6 tahanan ini dibebaskan dan kami bergembira mereka dapat kembali ke keluarga masing-masing.

PSM memberi syor bahawa PSM akan meneruskan perjuangan politik berdasarkan lunas-lunas Perlembagaan Negara kita

Sekian terima Kasih 

Yang Benar,


Setiausaha Agung”

29 Julai, 2011 – 1.35pm.

Pada jam lebih kurang 3.42pm – pemimpin DAP mengeluarkan kenyataan mendesak Kerajaan memberitahu siapakah yang mencipta tohmahan palsu terhadap PSM EO6 itu. Lim Kit Siang dalam kenyataannya berkata

“Malaysians are entitled to ask who are the officers or politicians who had been so ‘creative’ as to concoct the heinous charge under Section 122 of the Penal Code against the PSM activists in the first instance,”

I will ask in the next Parliament session who are the officers who concocted such charges and who are their police superiors who gave the approval, and whether the advice of the attorney-general or his officers had been sought”

Pada jam lebih kurang 4pm lebih, kami diminta untuk hadir ke Balai Polis Jinjang untuk menerima komrad2 PSM EO6 yang akan dibebaskan. Pada masa itu, kami masih ragu-ragu jika makluman itu benar, ataupun mereka akan dibebaskan dan ditahan semula sepertimana yang berlaku pada 2 Julai , 2011 di Kepala Batas Pulau Pinang. Maka kami tidak mengumumkan lagi berita tersebut kepada media ataupun komrad-komrad PSM yang lain.

Pada jam lebih kurang 5.30pm, akhirnya kami berjumpa dengan PSM EO6 dibalai Jinjang dan membawa mereka keluar. Suatu himpunan segera dianjurkan di Kuala Lumpur Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall KLSCAH pada malam itu juga memgumumkan kejayaan kuasa rakyat yang dapat membebaskan PSM EO6. 


Siri #HariIniDalamSejarah ini akan menjejaki usaha PSM dalam Perjuangan Membebaskan Tahanan PSM EO6 sehingga hari mereka dibebaskan pada 29 Julai, 2011. Ini merupakan hantaran terakhir dalam siri ini.


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