PBT perlu ambilalih penyelenggaraan rumah pangsa untuk kurangkan beban penghuni

PBT perlu ambilalih penyelenggaraan rumah pangsa untuk kurangkan beban penghuni

I hurried into 300-138 exam dumps the local department store 300-135 practice test to 400-101 VCE grab1 some last minute Chirsmas gifts. I looked Itcertpasses at CCNA Security 210-260 PDF all the people and Itcertpasses grumbled2 to myself. I would be in here forever and I just had CCNA Security 210-260 PDF CCNA Security 210-260 PDF so much to do. Chirsmas 300-135 practice test was beginning to become such a drag. I kinda wished that I could just sleep through Chirsmas. But 400-101 VCE I hurried the best I could through all the people to 300-136 pdf the toy department. Itcertpasses Once again I kind of mumbled3 CCNA Security 210-260 PDF to myself 300-137 dumps at the prices of all these 300-138 exam dumps toys, and wondered if the grandkids would even play 300-137 dumps whit4 them. I found myself in the doll aisle5. Out of the corner CCNA Security 210-260 PDF of my CCNA Security 210-260 PDF eye I saw 300-135 practice test a little boy CCNA Security 210-260 PDF 300-135 practice test about 5 holding a lovely doll.He kept touching6 her hair and he held her so gently. Examprepwell 300-135 practice test I could not seem to help myself. I just kept 300-135 practice test loking over at the 400-101 VCE 400-101 VCE little boy and wondered who the doll was CCNA Security 210-260 PDF for. I watched him turn to a woman 400-101 VCE and he called his 300-138 exam dumps aunt by name and said, “Are you 300-135 practice test sure I don’t have enough Itcertpasses money?” She replied a bit impatiently, “You know that you don’t 300-138 exam dumps have enough money for it.” The aunt told the little boy not 400-101 VCE to 400-101 VCE go anywhere that she had to go and get some other things and Examprepwell would Examprepwell CCNA Security 210-260 PDF be back in a few minutes. CCNA Security 210-260 PDF And then she left 300-136 pdf the aisle. The boy continued to hold the doll. 300-135 practice test After a bit I asked the 300-137 dumps 400-101 VCE boy who the doll was for. 300-136 pdf He said, “It is the doll my sister wanted 400-101 VCE so badly for Chirsmas. She Examprepwell just knew that Santa would bring it. “I told 300-136 pdf him that maybe Santa was going to bring 300-135 practice test it . Itcertpasses He said, CCNA Security 210-260 PDF CCNA Security 210-260 PDF “No, Santa can’t go where my sister is…. I have to give the doll to my Mama Examprepwell to take 400-101 VCE to her. “I asked him where 300-136 pdf his siter was. He looked at me with the saddest eyes and said, “She was gone to be with Jesus.

My 400-101 VCE Daddy says that Mamma is going to have to go be Itcertpasses with her.” My heart nearly stopped beating. Then the boy looked at me again and said, Examprepwell “I told Examprepwell my Daddy to tell my Mama not to go yet. I told him to tell her to 300-137 dumps wait till I got back from the Itcertpasses store.” Then he 300-137 dumps asked me if i wanted to see his picture. I told 400-101 VCE him 300-137 dumps I’d love to. He pulled out some picture he’d had taken CCNA Security 210-260 PDF at the front of the store. He said, “I want my Mama to take this with her so the dosen’t ever forget me. Itcertpasses I 400-101 VCE love my Mama so very much and I wish 300-138 exam dumps she dind 300-135 practice test not have to 300-136 pdf 300-136 pdf leave me.But Daddy says she will need to be with my sister.” I saw that the little boy had lowered 300-137 dumps his head and had grown so qiuet. While 300-137 dumps he 300-138 exam dumps was 300-138 exam dumps not looking I reached into my purse and pilled 300-136 pdf out a handful of 300-137 dumps bills. I asked the 400-101 VCE little boy, “Shall 300-136 pdf we count that miney one 300-138 exam dumps more time?” He grew excited and said, “Yes,I Itcertpasses just know it has to 300-135 practice test be enough.” Itcertpasses So I CCNA Security 210-260 PDF slipped my money in with his and 300-135 practice test 300-136 pdf we began to count it . Of Itcertpasses course it was plenty 400-101 VCE 300-135 practice test for the doll. He softly said, CCNA Security 210-260 PDF “Thank Itcertpasses you Jesus for giving Examprepwell me enough money.” Then the boy said, “I just Examprepwell asked Jesus 300-138 exam dumps to give me enough money CCNA Security 210-260 PDF to buy this doll so Mama can take 300-135 practice test Examprepwell it with her to give my Itcertpasses sister. And he heard my prayer. I wanted to ask him give for enough to buy my Mama a white rose, but 300-137 dumps I 300-137 dumps didn’t ask him, 300-138 exam dumps but he gave me enough to buy the doll and a rose for my Mama. She loves white 300-137 dumps rose so much. “In a few Examprepwell minutes the Examprepwell aunt 400-101 VCE came back and I wheeled my cart away. I could not keep from thinking about the 300-137 dumps little boy as I finished my shoppong in a ttally different spirit than when I Examprepwell 300-138 exam dumps had started. And I kept remembering 300-136 pdf 300-135 practice test a story 300-136 pdf I had Examprepwell seen in the newspaper several days earlier about a drunk driver hitting 300-137 dumps a car 300-138 exam dumps and killing7 Examprepwell a little 300-138 exam dumps girl and the Mother was in Itcertpasses serious condition. The 300-136 pdf family was deciding on whether Examprepwell to remove the life support. Now surely this little boy did not belong with that story.Two days later I read in the Itcertpasses paper 300-137 dumps where the family had disconnected the life support 300-138 exam dumps and the young woman had 300-138 exam dumps died. I 300-137 dumps could not 300-138 exam dumps Itcertpasses forget the little boy and just 300-136 pdf kept wondering if the two were somehow connected. Later that day, I could not 300-135 practice test help myself and I went out and bought aome white roses and took 300-136 pdf them to the funeral home where the yough woman was .And there she was holding a lovely white rose, the beautiful doll, and the picture of the 300-136 pdf little boy in the store. I left there in tears, thier life changed forever. The love that little boy had for his little sisiter and his mother was overwhel. And in a split8 second a drunk driver had ripped9 the life of that little boy to pieces.

SEMENYIH, SELANGOR – 24 FEBRUARI 2019: Penduduk-penduduk rumah pangsa kos rendah di kawasan Semenyih mengulang tuntutan mereka yang ditujukan kepada Kerajaan Negeri Selangor supaya mengurangkan beban penghuni rumah pangsa kos rendah dengan mengambilalih penyelenggaraan rumah pangsa kos rendah. Seruan ini dibuat dalam satu sidang akhbar khas yang diadakan pada hari ini di rumah pangsa Bangi Jaya bersempena dengan Pilihanraya Kecil (PRK) kawasan DUN Semenyih.

Wakil daripada rumah pangsa Bangi Jaya, Sri Haneco, Bukit Semenyih dan Taman Sri Mawar telah meluahkan kekeluhan mereka terhadap masalah yang dihadapi mereka, khususnya kutipan bayaran penyelenggaraan yang membebankan dan masalah penyelenggaraan disebabkan kesukaran mengutip yuran penyelenggaraan.

Turut hadir dalam sidang akhbar hari ini ialah Nik Aziz Afiq (calon PSM untuk PRK Semenyih) dan S. Arutchelvan (Ahli Jawatankuasa Pusat PSM yang juga merupakan bekas calon pilihanraya PSM untuk Semenyih).

Menurut Rogaya dari Rumah Pangsa Bangi Jaya, badan pengurusan bersama (JMB) sebelum ini mengutip yuran penyelenggaraan RM 33 sebulan, tetapi selepas Majlis Perbandaran Kajang melantik satu ejen untuk mengambilalih penyelenggaraan dengan kutipan sebanyak RM 66 sebulan, tetapi penyelenggaraannya lebih teruk walaupun kutipan sudah berganda dan lebih membebankan penghuni.

S. Arutchelvan berkata, “masalah utama yang dihadapi oleh penghuni-penghuni rumah pangsa ialah pendapatan mereka yang sudah rendah menjadikan mereka dibebani oleh bayaran penyelenggaraan”

“Penduduk di rumah teres kos rendah hanya bayar dua jenis cukai, iaitu cukai tanah dan cukai taksiran. Penghuni rumah pangsa kos rendah pula perlu membayar yuran penyelenggaraan selain dua jenis cukai. . Walaupun Kerajaan Selangor mengecualikan cukai taksiran yang dibayar dua kali setahun untuk penghuni rumah kos rendah sejak tahun 2016 sesuatu yang baik, tetapi mereka masih mengalami kesukaran untuk membayar yuran penyelenggaraan yang dikutip berbulan-bulan dan kadarnya lebih tinggi. Penghuni-penghuni rumah kos rendah lebih rela membayar cukai taksiran dua kali setahun supaya pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) mengambilalih penyelenggaraan dan bayaran penyelenggaraan dihapuskan.”

Penduduk-penduduk rumah-rumah kos rendah terdiri daripada golongan berpendapatan rendah. Jadi, adalah tidak wajar untuk golongan ini dikenakan bayaran yang lebih tinggi dan tidak mendapat perkhidmatan yang diberikan kepada penduduk rumah teres kos rendah. Keadaan ini amat membebankan JMB di rumah-rumah kos rendah. Akibatnya keadaan di rumah kos rendah adalah rata-rata tidak terurus, kotor dan tidak sesuai untuk dihuni.   


Jawatankuasa Bertindak Pangsapuri-pangsapuri Kos Rendah Hulu Langat yang ditubuhkan oleh PSM Semenyih telah menyerahkan satu memorandum kepada Kerajaan Negeri Selangor pada 14 April 2017 dengan tuntutan kepada pihak yang berkenaan untuk menyelesaikan masalah-masalah mereka. Jawatankuasa Bertindak tersebut mewakili penduduk dari lebih 30 buah perumahan pangsapuri di kawasan Hulu Langat, termasuk Semenyih. Namun, sehingga sekarang, Kerajaan Negeri Selangor masih belum memberi apa-apa respon terhadap tuntutan-tuntutan yang dikemukakan dalam memorandum tersebut.


Tuntutan-tuntutan yang dibawa oleh Jawatankuasa Bertindak Pangsapuri-pangsapuri Kos Rendah Hulu Langat termasuk:

1. Penghuni rumah pangsa kos rendah hanya perlu membayar dua jenis cukai, iaitu cukai tanah (setahun sekali) dan cukai pintu ( 6 bulan sekali) sepertimana rumah teres kos rendah.

  • Bayaran harus dibuat terus kepada Majlis Perbandaran dan Pejabat Tanah.
  • Bayaran harus meliputi kutipan sampah, pembersihan koridor, pembersihan longkang, taman permainan, lampu jalan dalam kawasan rumah pangsa dan jalanraya dalam kawasan rumah pangsa.

2. Kutipan untuk bayaran bil bagi pengunaan lampu koridor rumah pangsa dan air yang digunakan secara bersama harus dimasukkan dalam bil eletrik dan air secara purata dalam bil masing-masing (semua penghuni).

3. Satu peruntukan tahunan seperti yang diterima Rukun Tetangga diberikan kepada JMB untuk membolehkan mereka melakukan aktiviti sosial dan kebajikan untuk semua penghuni rumah pangsa demi untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang lebih bersatu padu. JMB juga harus dibuka kepada semua penghuni termasuk mereka yang menyewa unit rumah, untuk membolehkan mereka memainkan peranan yang penting dan menyumbang kepada pembangunan rumah pangsa tersebut.

4. Setiap rumah pangsa kos rendah wajib mempunyai kawasan dewan serbaguna atau bilik aktiviti untuk masyarakat di mana dewan itu boleh diuruskan oleh JMB. Jika tiada, maka kerajaan perlu membina kemudahan tersebut.

5. Mewujudkan tempat perniagaan dan peluang perniagaan di kawasan rumah pangsa secara tersusun untuk membolehkan masyakarat di rumah pangsa tersebut terlibat dalam aktiviti mikro-ekonomi. Sewa boleh dibayar kepada JMB dan wang ini boleh digunakan untuk menyelenggarakan pejabat dan mengupah kakitangan sepenuh masa.

6. Insurans tahunan dan audit tahunan adalah terlalu tinggi dan pihak JMB tidak boleh membiayainya. Maka dicadangkan proses audit dilakukan melalui satu syarikat audit yang dilantik oleh Pesuruhjaya Bangunan (COB) dengan bayaran yuran yang terendah. Syarikat insurans juga diletak di bawah pengawasan COB agar perkhidmatan mereka adalah baik dengan bayaran yang munasabah.


Harga rumah mampu milik sepatutnya RM100K dan ke bawah

Harga rumah mampu milik sepatutnya RM100K dan ke bawah

SEMENYIH, SELANGOR – 21 FEBRUARI 2019: “Memanggil rumah berharga RM 250,000 hingga RM 300,000 itu Rumah Mampu Milik adalah sesuatu yang tidak masuk akal. Rumah sebegini amat jauh daripada kemampuan golongan pekerja,” begitu katanya A. Sivarajan selaku Setiausaha Agung Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) pada hari ini dalam satu sidang akhbar khas yang diadakan bersempena kempen Pilihanraya Kecil (PRK) di kawasan DUN Semenyih.

Sivarajan berkata, “PSM menyeru pada Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan membuang klasifikasi perumahannya dan mengkategorikan semula Rumah Mampu Milik sebagai rumah berharga RM 100,000 dan ke bawah. ”

Turut hadir dalam sidang akhbar ialah Nik Aziz Afiq selaku calon PSM untuk PRK Semenyih dan R. Karthiges selaku Penyelaras Biro Perumahan PSM.

PSM juga membangkitkan isu pokok bahawa bukannya pembekalan rumah yang tidak mencukupi, tetapi pendapatan rakyat yang menjadikan mereka tidak mampu membeli rumah dengan harga yang jauh tinggi daripada kemampuan mereka walaupun digelar “rumah mampu milik”.

PSM berpendirian bahawa perumahan adalah hak asasi rakyat, dan kerajaan memang mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk mensubsidi pembekalan rumah mampu milik kepada rakyat biasa supaya rakyat tidak dibebankan dengan hutang perumahan.

Dalam kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh PSM pada hari, telah digariskan 10 langkah yang dicadangkan untuk menyelesaikan kemelut perumahan mampu milik yang dihadapi rakyat biasa pada masa kini. Langkah-langkah ini termasuk menetapkan harga rumah mampu milik pada kadar tidak melebihi RM 100,000, menubuhkan jawatankuasa teknikal kos untuk mengkaji kos rumah, peruntukan tanah kerajaan untuk projek rumah mampu milik, penglibatan terus syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC) dalam pembinaan rumah mampu milik, kuota pembinaan rumah mampu milik untuk pembangunan bercampur, perumahan mampu milik berorientasikan transit pengangkutan awam, inovasi baru dalam pembinaan rumah mampu milik, pembiayaan rumah yang bebas daripada cengkaman bank dan hentikan pengusiran paksa terhadap peneroka bandar.

Baca kenyataan penuh PSM tentang perumahan dan 10 langkah penyelesaian: Perumahan mampu milik atau mampus milik? Rasional PH terputus dari realiti rakyat

PSM sees Harapan as BN 2.0, calls for alternative to two-party system

PSM sees Harapan as BN 2.0, calls for alternative to two-party system

I hurried into 300-138 exam dumps the local department store 300-135 practice test to 400-101 VCE grab1 some last minute Chirsmas gifts. I looked Itcertpasses at CCNA Security 210-260 PDF all the people and Itcertpasses grumbled2 to myself. I would be in here forever and I just had CCNA Security 210-260 PDF CCNA Security 210-260 PDF so much to do. Chirsmas 300-135 practice test was beginning to become such a drag. I kinda wished that I could just sleep through Chirsmas. But 400-101 VCE I hurried the best I could through all the people to 300-136 pdf the toy department. Itcertpasses Once again I kind of mumbled3 CCNA Security 210-260 PDF to myself 300-137 dumps at the prices of all these 300-138 exam dumps toys, and wondered if the grandkids would even play 300-137 dumps whit4 them. I found myself in the doll aisle5. Out of the corner CCNA Security 210-260 PDF of my CCNA Security 210-260 PDF eye I saw 300-135 practice test a little boy CCNA Security 210-260 PDF 300-135 practice test about 5 holding a lovely doll.He kept touching6 her hair and he held her so gently. Examprepwell 300-135 practice test I could not seem to help myself. I just kept 300-135 practice test loking over at the 400-101 VCE 400-101 VCE little boy and wondered who the doll was CCNA Security 210-260 PDF for. I watched him turn to a woman 400-101 VCE and he called his 300-138 exam dumps aunt by name and said, “Are you 300-135 practice test sure I don’t have enough Itcertpasses money?” She replied a bit impatiently, “You know that you don’t 300-138 exam dumps have enough money for it.” The aunt told the little boy not 400-101 VCE to 400-101 VCE go anywhere that she had to go and get some other things and Examprepwell would Examprepwell CCNA Security 210-260 PDF be back in a few minutes. CCNA Security 210-260 PDF And then she left 300-136 pdf the aisle. The boy continued to hold the doll. 300-135 practice test After a bit I asked the 300-137 dumps 400-101 VCE boy who the doll was for. 300-136 pdf He said, “It is the doll my sister wanted 400-101 VCE so badly for Chirsmas. She Examprepwell just knew that Santa would bring it. “I told 300-136 pdf him that maybe Santa was going to bring 300-135 practice test it . Itcertpasses He said, CCNA Security 210-260 PDF CCNA Security 210-260 PDF “No, Santa can’t go where my sister is…. I have to give the doll to my Mama Examprepwell to take 400-101 VCE to her. “I asked him where 300-136 pdf his siter was. He looked at me with the saddest eyes and said, “She was gone to be with Jesus.

My 400-101 VCE Daddy says that Mamma is going to have to go be Itcertpasses with her.” My heart nearly stopped beating. Then the boy looked at me again and said, Examprepwell “I told Examprepwell my Daddy to tell my Mama not to go yet. I told him to tell her to 300-137 dumps wait till I got back from the Itcertpasses store.” Then he 300-137 dumps asked me if i wanted to see his picture. I told 400-101 VCE him 300-137 dumps I’d love to. He pulled out some picture he’d had taken CCNA Security 210-260 PDF at the front of the store. He said, “I want my Mama to take this with her so the dosen’t ever forget me. Itcertpasses I 400-101 VCE love my Mama so very much and I wish 300-138 exam dumps she dind 300-135 practice test not have to 300-136 pdf 300-136 pdf leave me.But Daddy says she will need to be with my sister.” I saw that the little boy had lowered 300-137 dumps his head and had grown so qiuet. While 300-137 dumps he 300-138 exam dumps was 300-138 exam dumps not looking I reached into my purse and pilled 300-136 pdf out a handful of 300-137 dumps bills. I asked the 400-101 VCE little boy, “Shall 300-136 pdf we count that miney one 300-138 exam dumps more time?” He grew excited and said, “Yes,I Itcertpasses just know it has to 300-135 practice test be enough.” Itcertpasses So I CCNA Security 210-260 PDF slipped my money in with his and 300-135 practice test 300-136 pdf we began to count it . Of Itcertpasses course it was plenty 400-101 VCE 300-135 practice test for the doll. He softly said, CCNA Security 210-260 PDF “Thank Itcertpasses you Jesus for giving Examprepwell me enough money.” Then the boy said, “I just Examprepwell asked Jesus 300-138 exam dumps to give me enough money CCNA Security 210-260 PDF to buy this doll so Mama can take 300-135 practice test Examprepwell it with her to give my Itcertpasses sister. And he heard my prayer. I wanted to ask him give for enough to buy my Mama a white rose, but 300-137 dumps I 300-137 dumps didn’t ask him, 300-138 exam dumps but he gave me enough to buy the doll and a rose for my Mama. She loves white 300-137 dumps rose so much. “In a few Examprepwell minutes the Examprepwell aunt 400-101 VCE came back and I wheeled my cart away. I could not keep from thinking about the 300-137 dumps little boy as I finished my shoppong in a ttally different spirit than when I Examprepwell 300-138 exam dumps had started. And I kept remembering 300-136 pdf 300-135 practice test a story 300-136 pdf I had Examprepwell seen in the newspaper several days earlier about a drunk driver hitting 300-137 dumps a car 300-138 exam dumps and killing7 Examprepwell a little 300-138 exam dumps girl and the Mother was in Itcertpasses serious condition. The 300-136 pdf family was deciding on whether Examprepwell to remove the life support. Now surely this little boy did not belong with that story.Two days later I read in the Itcertpasses paper 300-137 dumps where the family had disconnected the life support 300-138 exam dumps and the young woman had 300-138 exam dumps died. I 300-137 dumps could not 300-138 exam dumps Itcertpasses forget the little boy and just 300-136 pdf kept wondering if the two were somehow connected. Later that day, I could not 300-135 practice test help myself and I went out and bought aome white roses and took 300-136 pdf them to the funeral home where the yough woman was .And there she was holding a lovely white rose, the beautiful doll, and the picture of the 300-136 pdf little boy in the store. I left there in tears, thier life changed forever. The love that little boy had for his little sisiter and his mother was overwhel. And in a split8 second a drunk driver had ripped9 the life of that little boy to pieces.

Source: Malaysiakini

SEMENYIH POLLS | PSM central committee member S Arutchelvan has claimed that Pakatan Harapan has become “Barisan Nasional 2.0”.

In a press conference today, he described the fight between BN and Harapan in the March 2 Semenyih by-election as “BN1.0 vs BN2.0”.

“The voters were always asked to look at big picture – (mainstream political pacts and not small parties or independent candidates).

“The ‘big picture’ here in fact is BN 1.0 vs BN 2.0.

“So there is no big picture, it is a small picture. Same party but (it has) changed its shirt, like Pepsi and Coca Cola,” he said.

Arutchelvan said his party sensed that some voters were fed up and generally the people on the ground seemed indifferent.

“For many years, people wanted to overthrow BN. That has been achieved in the last general election.

“The people thought many things would be changed and there would be silver lining tomorrow.

“But, the people realised it is not happening. That’s why (former Prime Minister) Najib (Abdul) Razak is so popular today – it’s because people are fed up (with Harapan),” he said.

Arutchelvan then urged the voters, who are disappointed in both BN and Harapan, to consider voting for PSM candidate Nik Aziz Afiq Abdul.

“In the long run, you need an alternative from the two-party system,” he said.

PSM is eyeing 45 percent of voters aged 40 and below, and constituents residing in townships such as Bandar Kesuma and Bandar Rinching, as they had swung to Harapan in GE14, according to him.

Besides this, Arutchelvan said the party is also targetting the Chinese voters as well as PAS supporters who are disapointed and confused whether PAS is supporting BN in Semenyih by-election.

“Generally, we see a mood of protest in Semenyih this time,” he said.

He told the voters to look at the candidate instead of looking at the party.

He also claimed that the discourse of the by-election would be focused on race and religious sentiments if not for PSM, which champions major issues faced by the people.

“The government supports privatisation of healthcare, PSM supports public health, the government supports third national car, we support public transportation,” he said.

The Semenyih by-election is called following the death of Harapan state assemblyperson Bakhtiar Mohd Nor.

The state constituency witnesses a four-corner fight between Harapan’s Muhammad Aiman Zainali, BN’s Zakaria Hanafi, independent candidate Kuan Chee Heng and Nik Aziz.

Debate cancellation unfair, lost opportunity for smaller parties

Debate cancellation unfair, lost opportunity for smaller parties

Source: Malaysiakini

SEMENYIH POLLS | PSM is upset by the decision to cancel the proposed debate between Semenyih by-election candidates.

In a statement today, its election director S Arutchelvan said it was unfair for electoral watchdog Bersih to call off the event just because BN and Pakatan Harapan had turned down the debate invitation.

“Why do you need to cancel it just because BN and Harapan candidates declined to join? The PSM and independent candidate are ready to debate.”

In allowing the big parties to dictate whether or not a debate occurs, Bersih was denying democratic space to other voices, he contended.

“This shows that only big and powerful parties can influence whether a debate happens or not,” he said.

“The debate would have given smaller parties and the independent candidate a fairer chance to communicate their views to a wider audience,” Arutchelvan added.

Yesterday, Bersih had thanked PSM candidate Nik Aziz Afiq Abdul and independent candidate Kuan Chee Heng for agreeing but explained that it “would not be meaningful” to hold the debate and air it on national television if candidates from the country’s two main coalitions did not participate.

BN’s Zakaria Hanafi had turned down the offer citing he wanted to focus on solving the people’s problems, saying that a debate was merely a popularity contest among individuals.

Harapan’s Muhammad Aiman Zainal said no apparently because Zakaria, his main contender, would not be debating.

It’s not just BN and Harapan contesting

Arutchelvan said he was disappointed in BN and Harapan’s stance, but contended that Bersih should have allowed the debate to continue among “the brave”.

“By cancelling it, this means those who turned down the debate have won.

“This by-election is not just between Harapan and BN, alternative parties should also be given the chance to debate.

“Perhaps this can teach Harapan and BN a lesson,” he said, adding that a debate would have shown the ability of candidates to represent their constituents in a state assembly.

With this, Harapan could not longer claim the higher ground when it came to debates, Arutchelvan also said.

“With Harapan’s decision to not debate, they do not have any legitimacy to criticise or berate any Opposition parties who refuse to debate them on any issues in the future,” he quipped.

During the Cameron Highlands by-election last month, Harapan candidate M Manogaran had criticised BN’s Ramli Mohd Nor for excusing himself from their debate, questioning his ability to raise issues in Parliament.

PSM boleh menerajui ‘Kuasa Progresif Ketiga’ dalam PRK Semenyih – oleh Kua Kia Soong

PSM boleh menerajui ‘Kuasa Progresif Ketiga’ dalam PRK Semenyih – oleh Kua Kia Soong

Pada 9 Mei 2018, rakyat Malaysia telah memilih untuk mengundi Pakatan Harapan (PH) kerana Manifesto PRU-14 mereka telah berjanji untuk melaksanakan reformasi secara meluas, menyebabkan mereka kelihatan amat berbeza daripada pemerintahan yang dialami di bawah BN. Selepas masa berlalu, PH seperti telah menjadi BN 2.0, terutamanya apabila ahli parlimem UMNO memasuki Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM). Adakah ini pembaharuan yang kita undi dalam PRU-14? PH sudi untuk bekerjasama dengan Perdana Menteri, semasa pemerintahannya 22 tahun, yang bertanggungjawab menswastakan hampir semua industri Malaysia dan memusnahkan demokrasi kita. Lebih serius lagi, PH telah mendorong PAS untuk bekerjasama dengan UMNO.

Tiada komitmen terhadap manifesto PRU-14

Lebih mengecewakan lagi adalah komitmen lemah terhadap pelaksanaan beberapa janji manifesto mereka. Kita telah melihat kerajaan sela-menyela terhadap janji mereka untuk memansuhkan institusi dan undang-undang yang toksik seperti Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan (SOSMA) dan undang-undang penahanan tanpa bicara yang lain dalam negara ini. Malah, janji mereka tidak berfokus terhadap pembaharuan yang paling mendesak dan menyeluruh yang telah lama dihujahkan oleh masyarat sivil sebagai keutamaan tertinggi. Lebih-lebih lagi, kita telah mula melihat dasar dan proses pembuatan keputusan yang autokratik, seperti semasa dalam era Mahathir 1.0.

Walaupun manifesto PH melarang Perdana Menteri daripada memegang portfolio Kewangan, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad dalam 100 hari pertamanya telah mengambilalih syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC) pilihannya, seperti Khazanah, PNB dan Petronas, di bawah kuasa Pejabat Perdana Menteri. Ini merupakan pengembalian kepada autokrasi Mahathir yang lama. Adakah Kabinet Menteri dibawa berunding untuk menubuhkan Proton 2, menswastakan Khazanah, Malaysia Incorporated dan menghidupkan semula litar F1 yang gagal? Perlantikan Perdana Menteri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad dan Menteri Hal Ehwal Ekonomi Azmin Ali dalam lembaga Khazanah Nasional Berhad juga bertentangan dengan janji manifesto PH untuk mengharamkan ahli politik daripada pelaburan awam, kerana ini akan menyebabkan kebertanggungjawaban yang lemah. Hanya dengan ahli lembaga profesional dan kewujudan sistem semak dan imbang yang kukuh dapat kita memastikan tahap ketelusan dan akauntabiliti yang tinggi.

PH telah menjadi BN 2.0

Sekarang, kerajaan PH baharu tidak menunjukkan perbezaan ketara dalam dasar ekonomi mereka daripada rejim BN yang lama. Selepas kegagalan Proton 1.0 yang menyebabkan kos yang tinggi terhadap pembayar cukai Malaysia, sistem pengangkutan awam dan pengguna Malaysia, memang susah untuk mempercayai bahawa projek yang gagal ini akan disokong oleh pemimpin-pemimpin PH yang sebelum ini ialah pengkritik terhadap projek Proton pertama. Satu lagi projek kereta kebangsaan akan tentulah gagal dengan kerugian selanjutnya terhadap kerajaan dan kita sebagai rakyat akan menanggung kerugiannya.

Kerajaan PH yang baharu telah berjanji untuk menghapuskan kleptokrasi. Janji itu merupakan satu kunci kepada kemenangan mereka dalam PRU-14. Mereka telah mengecewakan rakyat Malaysia, terutamanya orang Sarawak yang dapat melihat kekayaan negeri mereka dihisap sepenuhnya oleh ketamakan kleptokrat di situ. Kerajaan PH belum lagi memaksakan mantan Ketua Menteri Abdul Taib Mahmud untuk mengisytihar semua hartanya dan juga isteri dan keluarganya. Dengan melepaskan sekutu lamanya di Sarawak, Taib Mahmud, yang dikatakan sebagai orang terkaya di Malaysia, Perdana Menteri telah menjalankan kempennya terhadap bekas PM Najib Razak seperti dendam peribadi.

Penggunaan alasan hutang kerajaan untuk melambatkan pilihanraya kerajaan tempatan yang telah digantung di negara kita sejak tahun 1965 memang tidak boleh diterima. Ini merupakan satu perkara yang mudah dilakukan dengan memansuhkan peruntukan di bawah Akta Kerajaan Tempatan 1976 dan memulihkan semula Akta Pilihan Raya Kerajaan Tempatan untuk memperkenalkan pilihan raya tempatan. Jika pendapatan per kapita kita pada tahun 1957 hanya US $800 dan kita mampu menjalankan pilihan raya majlis tempatan, janganlah kata bahawa kita  tidak mampu menjalankan pilihan raya tempatan apabila pendapatan per kapita kita kini AS$ 10,000.

Ia juga tidak masuk akal untuk memberitahu pada graduan Sekolah Menengah Persendirian Cina bahawa sijil UEC mereka hanya boleh diiktiraf dalam masa lima tahun. Ini adalah pelanggaran serius terhadap manifesto PH PRU-14 kerana lebih daripada 80 peratus pengundi Cina mengundi PH berdasarkan janji ini.

Ramai peguam telah membawa perhatian bahawa pemansuhan atau kajian semula undang-undang kita yang melanggar hak asasi manusia boleh dilakukan dengan cepat dalam tempoh 100 hari pertama kerajaan PH yang baharu. Ini termasuk pemansuhan undang-undang yang membenarkan penahanan tanpa perbicaraan, iaitu Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan (Langkah Khas) 2012 (SOSMA), Akta Pencegahan Jenayah 1959 (POCA), dan Akta Pencegahan Keganasan 2015 (POTA) 2015. Kegagalan in satu tanda pengunduran yang tidak beretika terhadap manifesto PH PRU-14.

Tiba masanya untuk membina Kuasa Progresif Ketiga untuk 99%

Setelah melalui “Sistem Dua Barisan”, kita mendapati autokrat yang sama cuba untuk melaksanakan dasar yang sama yang diperkenalkan pada tahun 1981. Tambahan lagi, PH telah berjaya memaksakan PAS untuk mendekati UMNO, terutamanya selepas PRU-14. Sudah tiba masanya untuk semua orang yang mengharapkanpembaharuan sebenar di Malaysia untuk membina ‘Kuasa Progresif Ketiga’ untuk masa depan yang benar-benar adil, demokratik dan mampan yang gagal disampaikan oleh BN dan PH.

Oleh itulah, dalam PRK di Semenyih, PSM boleh menerajui ‘Kuasa Progresif Ketiga’ yang telah lama diperlukan untuk menawarkan pilihan yang bersifat bukan-perkauman, progresif dan mampan yang berbeza daripada BN 1.0 dan BN 2.0 untuk generasi masa depan rakyat Malaysia:

Menghapuskan perkauman dan diskriminasi perkauman di Malaysia – Mungkin sebab yang paling kuat untuk keluar daripada Sistem Dua Barisan, adalah hakikatnya kedua-dua BN dan PH didominasi parti-parti politik berasaskan kaum untuk mendapatkan undi dan populariti. Komponen baru PH adalah PPBM berdasarkan kaum semata-mata yang menganggap dirinya sebagai pejuang ‘sebenar’ untuk ‘Agenda Bumiputera’ berbanding dengan UMNO. Akibatnya, tiada satu pun parti politik dalam kedua-dua pakatan sekalipun itu menimbulkan persoalan bilakah Dasar Ekonomi Baru yang bersifat mendiskriminasi kaum yang dijadualkan berakhir pada tahun 1990 akan berakhir. Perikatan Progresif memanggil untuk dasar berasaskan keperluan dan bukan dasar berasaskan kaum. Akta Kesaksamaan akan menjadikan dasar diskriminasi perkauman sesuatu yang kuno dan kesaksamaan akan menjadi bahagian intrinsik Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia. Alternatif Progresif yang kita cuba untuk membina akan mengambil kira hak asasi manusia dengan serius dan menghormati hak-hak semua warganegara Malaysia tanpa mengira etnik, kepercayaan agama, jantina ataupun seksualiti supaya kita boleh maju sebagai sebuah negara.

Pengagihan semula kekayaan untuk 99% – Kedua-dua BN dan PH bersaing untuk menunjukkan pakatan mana yang boleh mengalahkan yang lain untuk melaksanakan dasar paling neo-liberal yang menawarkan pelabur peluang menarik yang mereka tidak boleh tolak, melaksanakan projek ‘pembangunan’ yang melibatkan pemusnahan hutan, menuntut semula tanah dan mengambilalih aset-aset awam lain. Kita tidak melihat pakatan-pakatan ini mengemukakan dasar yang baik untuk mengagih semula kekayaan di negara ini. Adakah mereka mencadangkan dasar fiskal progresif untuk mengenakan cukai terhadap golongan 1% teratas yang memiliki lebih banyak kekayaan daripada 40% terbawah dan 40% pertengahan di negara kita, seperti kadar cukai marginal atas pendapatan mereka, cukai keuntungan modal, pewarisan dan kemewahan yang lebih tinggi? Kekayaan 50 rakyat Malaysia yang terkaya (teratas 0.00017%) berjumlah hampir RM300 bilion merupakan satu perempat daripada jumlah keseluruhan KDNK negara bernilai RM1 trilion!

Perumahan awam, kesihatan, pengangkutan dan pendidikan dengan hargaberpatutan – Satu alternatif yang adil, demokratik dan progresif memberikan upah dan hak untuk semua pekerja; pencen yang munasabah semasa bersara untuk semua; perumahan awam dengan harga berpatutan dan selesa didiami; kesihatan dan pengangkutan awam yang berpatutan dan cekap; pendidikan tinggi percuma (menjalankan uji upaya untuk orang kaya), dan lain-lain. Kita hendak menuntut semula aset awam daripada penswastaan, menghentikan apa-apa penswastaan aset awam, memiliknegarakan kemudahan awam seperti air dan tenaga, dan mendemokrasikan GLC; membahagikan lebih banyak pendapatan daripada sumber minyak dan gas kepada negeri pengeluar minyak dan gas dan memastikan pengeluaran minyak dan gas dan rekod pelaburan Petronas adalah telus dan bertanggungjawab kepada parlimen dan orang ramai.

Percubaan PH untuk menyelesaikan isu-isu perumahan dan kesihatan selalu melibatkan syarikat-syarikat swasta kroni yang biasa mengambil bahagian dengan rancangan ini seperti yang telah berlaku bawah BN. Namun, masalah perumahan dan kesihatan kita perlu diselesaikan melalui penglibatan sektor awam.

Oleh itulah, dengan kerajaan PH yang kian menjadi versi BN 2.0, hanya dengan membina Kuasa Progresif Ketiga, kita boleh membawa negara kita ke arah masa depan yang lebih cerah berdasarkan kesaksamaan, keadilan, demokrasi dan hak asasi manusia.


Kua Kia Soong ialah Penasihat kepada Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM).

24 families of estate workers given new homes in Semenyih

24 families of estate workers given new homes in Semenyih

Source: The Star
SEMENYIH: After nearly two decades of struggle, 24 families from the Ladang Bangi estate have finally been offered keys to their new homes – thanks to assistance from Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM).

The 24 families were handed over the keys to their new homes last Thursday (Feb 14), just two days before the nomination day for the Semenyih by-election.

For 19 years, the 24 families faced court trials, constant harassment by gangsters to vacate their homes, and some were even thrown into jail by the authorities for fighting for their rights.

C Krishan, 64, who led the action committee for the Ladang Bangi estate workers, said he was touched by the occasion, as it has been an arduous journey.

“The house even came equipped with a refrigerator, TV, cabinet, and air-conditioners,” he said during a press conference, accompanied by PSM central committee member S. Arutchelvan at the Putra apartments on Wednesday (Feb 20).

Arutchelvan described the occasion as a victory for the people and expressed joy.

“Their units are special, they have free cabinets, TVs and fridges. Even I am staying in a low-cost unit and I don’t have such facilities,” he quipped.

Arutchelvan said that similar cases such as the families in the Ladang Bangi estate will keep on happening in future if the state government does not address the issue by enacting laws to protect estate workers.

He pointed out that in 1973, former premier Tun Abdul Razak had initiated the Estate Workers Scheme to ensure that workers were protected once they are evicted when development starts in an estate.

However, he lamented that because it’s merely a policy instead of a law, it had caused many developers to skip their responsibilities of providing homes for estate workers.

“99% of the time, estate owners don’t do it, simply because it’s not a law, but just a policy,” he added.

According to Arutchelvan, PSM had asked the state government to introduce laws to ensure that developers build houses for estate workers before evicting them.

“Most importantly, we must have laws to protect the marginalised communities. Of course, many other estate workers went empty-handed.

“But those who fought such as the Ladang Bangi estate workers ended up with a free house. So that is a big victory,” he said.

All the families will now be relocated by developer Trans Loyal Development Sdn Bhd to their new homes in Putra apartments in Taman Impian Putra Bangi, Kajang in March this year.


PSM berprotes bantah tol di Semenyih

PSM berprotes bantah tol di Semenyih

SEMENYIH, SELANGOR – 20 FEBRUARI 2019: Pemuda Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) telah mengadakan satu aksi protes pada hari ini untuk menuntut supaya salah satu tol lebuhraya di kawasan Semenyih dimansuhkan bagi meringankan beban rakyat Semenyih. Para peserta protes berhimpun di hadapan plaza tol Semenyih yang terletak di Lebuhraya Kajang-Seremban (LEKAS). Mereka memegang plakad yang tertulis tuntutan untuk memansuhkan tol dan meningkatkan perkhidmatan pengangkutan awam.

Turut hadir dalam aksi protes ini ialah Nik Aziz Afiq (calon PSM untuk PRK Semenyih) dan S. Arutchelvan (Ahli Jawatankuasa Pusat PSM).

Menurut S. Arutchelvan, Pakatan Harapan pernah menjanjikan untuk memansuhkan tol, tetapi gagal menunaikan janjinya. “Kami di sini mengingatkan pada mereka (Pakatan Harapan) supaya menunaikan janji mereka kerana nampaknya mereka telah mudah melupakannya.”

Dalam Manifesto PSM untuk PRK Semenyih, salah satu isu utama yang diperjuangkan ialah menolak tol yang membebankan rakyat di samping menuntut penambahan perkhidmatan pengangkutan awam di kawasan Semenyih.

Kebanyakan penduduk di Semenyih bekerja di luar kawasan Semenyih. terutamanya di Kuala Lumpur dan Putrajaya. Namun, sebaik keluar dari Semenyih sahaja, pengguna jalanraya terpaksa membayar tol demi tol. Ini memang sesuatu yang membebankan untuk golongan pekerja yang berulang-alik dari rumah ke tempat kerja setiap hari. Oleh yang demikian, PSM bertekad untuk mendesak supaya tol dimansuhkan di sama ada di Silk highway, LEKAS Kajang Batu 3 atau Plus Putra Mahkota.

PSM juga menyeru supaya memulihkan perkhidmatan bas dari Semenyih ke Seremban, Beranang ke Putrajaya, dan Bukit Mahkota/Sri Putra ke Kajang, di samping mendesak penyediaan bas perantara MRT supaya dapat dinikmati oleh penduduk Semenyih dan Beranang.

Semenyih sedang mengalami pembangunan yang pesat dan pertambahan penduduk yang semakin ramai, namun, kekurangan sistem pengangkutan awam telah memaksa penduduk-penduduk di Semenyih terpaksa bergantung pada kenderaan persendirian. PSM telah mencadangkan supaya pengangkutan awam seperti Komuter dan MRT dibina di kawasan Semenyih supaya menyenangkan penduduk di sini untuk beredar dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain. Kerajaan juga perlu memastikan supaya perkhidmatan bas yang berkesan dan memuaskan dapat disediakan di kawasan Semenyih ini.

Source: The Star Online

SEMENYIH: Being branded one of the “underdogs” in the four-cornered Semenyih by-election does not faze Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) candidate Nik Aziz Afiq Abdul (pic).

With an easy smile and calm demeanour, the first-time candidate said it may be to his advantage to be the fresh face in a battle among political giants such as Pakatan Harapan and Barisan Nasional.

The 25-year-old, who owns and runs a reflexology centre, believes his youthfulness would appeal to Semenyih voters.

“PSM felt that it needed to put forward a young candidate because it sees that the youth have not been given enough of a role in politics,” he said.

Acknowledging that Pakatan and Barisan are popular, Nik Aziz said the two coalitions are “burdened with a lot of baggage”.

“When the rakyat see Barisan, they are reminded of the tales of corruption and 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB)

“With Pakatan, there is dissatisfaction. People voted out Barisan, but one by one, former Umno MPs are entering Bersatu,” he said.

Nik Aziz added that PSM has a track record of over 20 years, and has held fast to its principles.

The party is able to provide an alternative voice to voters in Semenyih, he said, and they are targeting voters who are non-partisan and want to remain on the fence.

As for independent candidate Kuan Chee Heng or Uncle Kentang, Nik Aziz noted that most of the social activist’s projects are based in Puchong and not in Semenyih.

Nik Aziz, who has been with PSM for four years, has been assisting the party’s previous Semenyih conten­der S. Arutchelvan on the ground.

He said one of the cases PSM resolved was over the Dunedin Estate in Semenyih where they worked with the state government to provide evicted plantation workers with free landed property.

PSM had been lobbying for the workers’ rights for over 20 years, and the move finally benefitted 22 families.

He added that the case proved that he would have no issues working with a state government that he is not politically aligned to.

Top of Nik Aziz’s priorities is to reduce the gap between elected representatives and the people, and to instil the mindset that democratic processes do not just take place during elections.

“The rakyat is not involved in making decisions. The elected representative should unite the people and respect them. He is not their master and should work for the people,” he said.

Ex-PSM candidate hopes for change in party’s fortunes in Semenyih

Ex-PSM candidate hopes for change in party’s fortunes in Semenyih

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Source: Vinodh Pillai; Free Malaysia Today 

SEMENYIH: Although it is known as “the party that always loses”, PSM is hoping for a change in fortunes when voters in Semenyih head to the polling stations in the by-election for the state constituency on March 2.

PSM committee member S Arulchelvan said the party’s challenges, despite its work with the hardcore poor and those from the bottom 40 income group, were due to “election propaganda”, not public rejection of its socialist, left-wing agenda.

“The public is told that PSM won’t win, and that we are here to split the popular vote – even though we’ve been here for many years already – and that we are the party that always loses,” he told FMT on the sidelines of PSM’s campaign trail for the by-election here.

But Arulchelvan, better known as Arul, said PSM had only lost its deposit for Semenyih in last year’s general election, not in the two previous elections when he contested as its candidate.

“We lost our deposit last year because of the huge wave for Pakatan Harapan.

“This was good because it was a chance to change the government,” he said, adding however that the tide had now changed.

He said there was strong discontent among Chinese voters, especially those who were upset with some of PPBM’s recent decisions including the move to accept ex-Umno leaders into the party.

He claimed there were similar sentiments among PAS supporters in Semenyih following Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s recent statement on the party’s collaboration with Umno in the by-election.

Ever since Mahathir said that PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang had told him the Islamist party would not back Umno in Semenyih, he said, PAS supporters had “gone missing”.

“I have not noticed any PAS machinery physically present on the ground. I don’t see them anywhere,” he said.

For PSM, he said, the by-election was an opportunity to step up and prove that it is not about “shameless politics”.

He added that PSM had never closed a service centre in any constituency where it had lost.

“I think what we are looking at now is a lot of young people who are beginning to reject this and understand what socialism, capitalism and things like that are. They also appreciate our volunteerism,” he said.

PSM’s candidate for Semenyih, Nik Aziz Afiq Abdul, got involved with the party around four years ago. His father was formerly the Selangor PAS election director and state party secretary.

Arul, who has been campaigning with the party and Nik Aziz, said they had received a warm welcome in Semenyih so far.

Come polling day, he hopes the sentiments translate into votes for PSM as well.

He said there was a need for more checks and balances by opposition assemblymen in Selangor.

He added that it was his duty to raise the alarm about government decisions.

“We will raise issues of local, state and national interests. It’s not just making empty promises and disregarding issues of national impact.

“We’ll be raising these issues throughout our campaign,” he said.

And if PSM loses?

“Not an issue at all,” he told FMT. “After that, don’t forget we’ll still be on the ground.”