Siri 27 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011) – Ulangtahun ke-10

Siri 27 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011) – Ulangtahun ke-10

Siri 27 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011) – Ulangtahun ke-10

26 Julai 2011

Dr Kua Kia Soong, bekas Ahli Parlimen dan akademik, menyimpulkan bahawa, tekanan dan penindasan terhadap kaum kiri berulang kali dalam sejarah Malaysia membuktikan bahawa Kerajaan dengan jelas taksub dengan sistem ekonomi neoliberal yang dibantah oleh kaum kiri sosialis. Mereka, Kerajaan ingin meneruskan ekonomi yang mengeksploitasi pekerja, merampas kekayaan negara, korupsi, kronisma, penswataan kemudahan asas dan membinasakan sumber alam untuk  kekayaan golongan elit. Sosialis menentang model ekonomi ini, maka gerakan parti kiri seperti PSM harus disenyapkan.

Sekumpulan Ahli Parlimen dari Iceland, juga mendesak agar PSM EO6 dibebaskan. Parlamentary group of the Left-Green Movement in Iceland mengeluarkan kenyataan seperti berikut;

“In the need of strong and open democracy, the peoples right for free expression in politics, both in favour and against governments, we support the demand immediately and unconditionally release of all the activists of the Malaysian Socialist Party that currently holds in detention.”

Björg Eva Erlendsdóttir, Secretary for VSG/NGLA, bagi pihak Left-Green Movement Parlamentary group.

Seorang peguam jenayah Baljit Singh mengatakan penahanan dibawah Ordianan Darurat adalah terbuka untuk salahguna kuasa “ when one is detained under EO, it is relatively difficult to be released and the process is prone to abuses of detention, without any proper charge as to the person’s crime”. Inilah kali pertama seorang Ahli Parlimen ditahan dibawah Ordinan Darurat.

Kami dapat maklumat bahan bacaan diberikan kepada tahanan.  Suatu surat SEGERA dihantar kepada KDN mengenai ketidakpuasan hati terhadap tahanan PSM EO6 kepada KDN. Kami juga tidak berpuashati kerana keluarga PSM EO6 tidak dibenarkan melawat mereka sejak 15 Julai, 2011.

Akhirnya kami menerima surat dari PDRM, bahawa tahanan akan dibenarkan berjumpa keluarga mereka.

Ahli-ahli dan juga penyokong PSM di Cameron Highlands juga mengadakan protest candle light vigil disana. PSM Cameron bersama DAP Cameron telah mengadakan candle light vigil di hadapan Balai Polis KG Raja, Cameron Highlands. Seperti biasa, bilangan polis yang banyak telah sedia menunggu kami di pintu masuk ke balai.

Pada malam 26 Julai, 2011, protes candle light vigil biasa di depan Bukit Aman telah dialihkan ke Dataran Merdeka.


Siri #HariIniDalamSejarah ini akan menjejaki usaha PSM dalam Perjuangan Membebaskan Tahanan PSM EO6 sehingga hari mereka dibebaskan pada 29 Julai, 2011. Nantikan kiriman kami yang seterusnya.


ℹ️ Untuk maklumat terkini, sertai saluran Telegram PSM di ?

Siri 26 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011) – Ulangtahun ke-10

25 Julai 2011

PSM buat aduan polis kerana risau tahanan PSM EO6 didera dan kesihatan mereka terancam. Polis enggan memberikan lawatan keluarga walaupun selepas 10 hari sejak lawatan terakhir.

Sebuah lagi organisasi hak sasi manusia anatarabangsa , Forum Asia juga mengecam penangguhan pendengaran kes Habeas Corpus ke 12 Ogos, 2011.

We believe the postponement of the habeas corpus hearing violates the six PSM leaders’ right to a fair trial, and denies them the right access to justice as well as their right to liberty. Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights stipulates that “nobody shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile”, yet, the Emergency Ordinance (EO) allows for indefinite detention without trial


Pada malam hari seperti setiap malam, kami mengadakan protes candle light di hadapan Bukit Aman. Kali ini polis lebih kejam dan membawa arahan yang baru bahawa kami tidak boleh mengadakan protes tersebut dan kami harus bersurai.

Siri #HariIniDalamSejarah ini akan menjejaki usaha PSM dalam Perjuangan Membebaskan Tahanan PSM EO6 sehingga hari mereka dibebaskan pada 29 Julai, 2011. Nantikan kiriman kami yang seterusnya.


ℹ️ Untuk maklumat terkini, sertai saluran Telegram PSM di ?

Siri 25 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011) – Ulangtahun ke-10

Siri 25 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011) – Ulangtahun ke10

24 Julai 2011

Inilah dia sebahagian risalah yang dilancarkan oleh PSM sebagai kempen nasional Udah lah itu Bersaralah BN. Walaupun ianya merupakan suatu kempen sah politik oleh suatu parti pembangkang seperti PSM menuntut rakyat menjatuhkan rejim BN secara demokratik yang telah berkuasa selama 54 tahun. Malangnya ianya sengaja diputarbelitkan oleh pemerintah, kononnya kami bertujuan berjuang menentang YDPA.


Pada 24 Julai, 2011 PSM dan juga wakil keluarga mendapat temujanji untuk berjumpa dengan Pengerusi SUHAKAM Tan Sri Hasmy Agam. Ahli-ahli keluarga yang turut hadir dalam perjumpaan ini ialah ayah Dr Kumar iaitu Datuk Dr Devaraj. Beliau amat kecewa dengan apa yang sedang berlaku apabila desakan yang begitu banyak dibuat, tetapi Kerajaan masih berdegil dan tidak mahu membebaskan PSM EO6.

Sokongan juga diberikan kepada tuntutan pembebasan PSM EO6 dari Australia, iaitu Ahli Majlis (Local councillor Fremantle) Sam Wainwright mengecam penindasan terhadap BERSIH dan tahanan PSM EO6. Beliau berkata “ I am horrorified about the terrible crackdown on the Bersih 2.0 movement for electoral reforms and free speech that has taken place recently in Malaysia. One of Parti Sosialis Malaysia activists Dr Michael D Jeyakumar, who is currently detained under the Emergency Ordinance, had visited the city last year” 

I am horrified to see him detained without trial under the repressive law and without access to his heart medication,”

Datuk Bandar Fremantle juga menyokong solidarity dan menuntut pembebasan PSM EO6. Brad Pettitt Datuk Bandar ( Mayor) Fremantle City membangkitkan kerisauanya terhadapa penahanan Dr Kumar yang telah lanjut ke hari yang ke 22.

Kepimpinan MIC, anak Dato Seri Samy Vellu iaitu Vel paari juga mendesak agar tahanan PSM EO6 dibebaskan segera.

Presiden ALIRAN Pulau Pinang, P. Ramakrishnan mengeluarkan kenyataan yang jelas bahawa pihak polis tidak apa-apa alasn lagi untuk terus menahan PSM EO6 kerana semua tuduhan pada awalnya telah terbukti palsu.

Ramakrishnan berkata “They were initially accused of “waging war against the King”. But that accusation has been dropped now. What does this suggest with regard to the integrity of the police? It only means that they had cooked up an excuse to detain them. Then they were accused of reviving ‘communism’ in this country. Images of past communists leaders printed on T-shirts in their possession do not support this theory. Besides, communism is now no longer a contentious issue. What does this prove? The police are grasping at straws in desperation to justify their action. But it won’t do them any good.

Protes candle light vigil telah diadakan malam ini, di Dataran Merdeka

Suatu protes lilin juga diadakan pada malam yang sama sebagai bantahan di Stadium Melawati Shah Alam bersama dengan beberapa Exco Kerajaan Negeri Selangor dan Ahli Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam.

Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang juga mendesak agar Kerajaan membebaskan PSM EO6 dan menuduh mereka di Mahkamah terbuka jika mereka melakukan apajua kesalahan.

Siri #HariIniDalamSejarah ini akan menjejaki usaha PSM dalam Perjuangan Membebaskan Tahanan PSM EO6 sehingga hari mereka dibebaskan pada 29 Julai, 2011. Nantikan kiriman kami yang seterusnya.


ℹ️ Untuk maklumat terkini, sertai saluran Telegram PSM di ?



Siri 24 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011) – Ulangtahun ke-10

23 Julai 2011

23 Julai – Pada hari ini kita menjejaki semula kebangkitan rakyat di Malaysia dan juga diluar negara yang telah mengecam penahanan PSM EO6 dan mendesak mereka dibebaskan segera. Diantara kenyataan tersebut adalah seperti berikut;

Dari Barisan Nasional

Khairy Jamaluddin , Ketua Pemuda UMNO: “Penahanan enam aktivis PSM oleh pihak polis adalah berdasarkan informasi yang tidak tepat , dan saya akan sendiri menyatakannya kepada Perdana Menteri bila beliau balik dari lawatan luar negaranya.  Kerajaan telah bertindak berdasarkan informasi yang salah. Saya pernah mendengar banyak ucapan Dr. Jeyakumar di parlimen. Ucapan beliau sangat intelektual dan bukannya subversif”

Kementerian Dalam Negeri menjanjikan bahawa sekiranya penahanan EO6 adalah berunsur politik, maka mereka akan dibebaskan dengan serta-merta. Kepastian ini diberi oleh Datuk Markiman Kobiran, Setiausaha Politik Menteri Dalam Negeri.

Gan Peng Siu, AJK Pusat MCA : “Saya berpendapat tidak siapa pun akan percaya yang PSM 6 hendak melancarkan perang terhadap negara. Penerusan penahanan mereka ini akan memberi kesan buruk terhadap kredibiliti polis”

Datuk Chang Ko Youn, Timbalan Presiden, Parti Gerakan : “PSM 6 harus dibebaskan tanpa syarat sekiranya mereka tidak membuat apa-apa jenayah. Kalau jenayah telah dibuat, maka mereka harus didakwa di mahkamah. Ini adalah kerana penahanan PSM 6 ini tanpa bicara akan menurunkan imej negara di mata dunia

Pakatan (Pakatan Rakyat pada masa itu)

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim,Ketua Pembangkang : “Penahanan PSM 6 ini adalah tidak sah dan mereka harus dibebaskan dengan segera. Penahanan seorang ahli Parlimen adalah penghinaan kepada pengalaman demokrasi”

YB Lim Kit Siang , Penasihat DAP: “Sesiapa yang telah membuat tudahan yang tidak berasas dan menyebabkan penahanan 6 aktivis PSM mesti dibongkarkan dan kerajaan mesti memberi penjelasan untuk penahanan dibawah Akta Darurat ini. Penahanan PSM 6 adalah penghinaan kepada undang-undang”

Yb Salahudin Ayub, AJK Pusat PAS (pada masa itu) : “Apa rasional terus menahan 6 aktivis PSM? Kalau BERSIH adalah isunya, perhimpunan BERSIH sudah tamat. Maka kenapa mereka tidak dilepaskan

Selain dari ahli politik pelbagai kumpulan juga telah mengecam penahanan EO 6 ini seperti berikut

  • Persatuan Perubatan Dunia (World Medical Association)
  • Malaysia Medical Association (MMA)
  • 176 doktor perubatan dari MMA cawangan Perak
  • Gabungan Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Swasta Malaysia
  • Persatuan Perubatan Swasta Kedah dan Perlis
  • Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Pulau Pinang
  • Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Perak
  • Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur
  • Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Pahang
  • Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Sarawak
  • Majlis Peguam Malaysia

Lebih 90 badan bukan kerajaan juga membantah penahanan EO6 ini dan menuntut mereka dilepaskan dengan segera!

  2. Center for Orang Asli Concerns
  3. Centre for Independent Journalism Malaysia
  4. Civil Right committee, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
  5. Civil Society Committee of LLG Cultural Development Centre
  6. Community Action Network (CAN)
  7. Community Development Centre
  8. Democratic Action Party (DAP)
  9. Friends of Kota Damansara
  10. Gabungan Membantah Penswastaan Perkhidmatan Kesihatan (GMPPK)
  11. Generation 709
  12. Gindol Initiative for Civil Society Borneo
  13. Health Equity Initiatives
  14. Jaringan Orang Asal SeMalaysia (JOAS)
  15. Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas ( JERIT)
  16. Lawyers for Liberty
  17. MADPET (Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture)
  18. Malaysia Youth and Students Democratic Movement(DEMA)
  19. Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR)
  20. Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM)
  21. Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)
  22. Parti Islam Semalaysia (PAS)
  23. Persatuan Alumni Kolej New Era
  24. Persatuan Alumni PBTUSM Selangor & Kuala Lumpur
  25. Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor (EMPOWER)
  27. Persatuan Prihatin Komuniti Kuala Lumpur & Selangor (Prihatin)
  29. Saya  Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM)
  30. Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM)
  31. Student Progressive Front New Era College
  32. Student Progressive Front UPM
  33. Student Progressive Front USM
  34. Student Progressive Front UUM
  35. Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM)
  36. Tenaganita
  37. Women’sAid Organisation (WAO)
  38. Youth for change (Y4C)
  39. Bersih 2.0 UK chapter
  40. Gabungan Mansuhkan ISA
  41. Gabungan Mansuhkan ISA UK Chapter
  43. Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia
  44. Dewan Perhimpunan China Negeri Sembilan
  45. Persatuan Kwang Tung Negeri Sembilan
  46. Persatuan Eng Choon Negeri Sembilan
  47. Persatuan Teo Chew Negeri Sembilan
  48. Persatuan Keturunan Lai Negeri Sembilan
  49. LLG Cultural Development Foundation, Negeri Sembilan State Laision Commitee
  50. Persatuan Kawan Karib Negeri Sembilan
  51. Methodist Chinese Church Seremban
  52. Pemuda Dewan Perhimpunan China Negeri Sembilan
  53. Pemuda Kwang Tung Negeri Sembilan
  54. Pemuda Kwang Si Negeri Sembilan
  55. Pemuda HaiNan Negeri Sembilan
  56. Pemuda Teo Chew Negeri Sembilan
  57. Pemuda Siong Kong Negeri Sembilan
  58. Persatuan Belia Prihatin Malaysia cawangan Negeri Sembilan
  59. Xiang Lian Qing Negeri Sembilan
  60. Kelab Sukan dan Rekreasi Taman Layang-layang Seremban
  61. Angkatan Muda Keadilan Malaysia (AMK)
  62. Semparuthi Tholargal
  63. Peguam : Amer Hamzah Arshad
  64. Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM)
  65. Pertubuhan Wartawan & Jurugambar Akhbar Cina Pulau Pinang(PEWAJU)
  66. Pertubuhaan Kebajikaan Baitul Fiqh
  67. People Living With Hiv and AIDS
  68. Malaysia Hindu Sangam (inclusive of 1761 Hindu Temples)
  69. Malaysian Hindu Youth Council
  70. Yayasan Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan Pendidikan Tamil Malaysia (Tamil Foundation)
  71. Education and Research Association of Consumer, Malaysia
  72. Malaysian Dravidian Association
  73. Group of Concerned Citizens
  74. Child Information, Learning and Development Centre
  75. Nationwide Human Development And Research Centre
  76. Malaysian Indian Youth Development Foundation
  77. Klang Consumer Association
  78. Divine Life Society PJ
  79. World Tamil Federation – Malaysian Chapter
  80. Child Development Initiative
  81. Tamil Forum Malaysia
  82. Semparuthi Iyakkam Selangor
  83. Centre for Tamil Studies
  84. MyOverseasVote
  85. BERSIH 2.0 Australia
  86. Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua USM
  87. Jamaah Islah Malaysia (JIM)
  88. Malaysia Christian Youth Association (MCYA)
  89. Pertubuhan Gerakan Belia Bersatu Malaysia(GBBM), cawangan Negeri Sembilan
  90. Methodist Chinese Church Seremban, Young Adult Fellowship

Tambahannya juga kumpulan antarabangsa telah mengecam tindakan kerajaan Malaysia menahan tanpa bicara enam aktivis PSM ini : Organisasi tersebut ialah ;

  1. Amnesty International (AI), UK
  2. Freedom House, US
  3. Forum Asia, Bangkok
  4. Human Rights Watch (HRW), US
  5. Front line Defender, Ireland
  6. World Organisation against torture (OMCT), Geneva
  7. International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), France
  8. International Court of Justice (ICJ)
  9. KONTRAS (Indonesia)
  10. SDMA (Solidarity for Democratization Movements in Asia), Korea
  11. Socialist Alliance (Australia),
  12. Working People Association – Reorganisaton Committee (KPO-PRP Indonesia),
  13. Resistance (Australia),
  14. Labour Party Pakistan (LPP),
  15. Party of Labouring Masses (PLM, Philippines), 
  16. Socialist Aotearoa (NZ),
  17. Solidarity (Australia),
  18. Peoples Democratic Party (PRD Indonesia),
  19. Political Committee of the Poor-People’s Democratic Party (Indonesia),
  20. All Pakistan Federation of United Trade Unions,Radical Socialists (India)
  21. All Together (South Korea),
  22. Nava Sama SamajaParty (NSSP, Sri Lanka),
  23. Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSP, Australia),
  24. Australia Asia Worker Links,
  25. Vi Pham (Vietnam),
  26. Swedish Left Party,
  27. Partido ng Manggagawa (Philippine),
  28. Herlounge (Indonesia),
  29. Empower Foundation (Thailand),
  30. Confederation Congress of Indonesia Union Alliance (KASBI),
  31. Partido Obrero Revolucionario (Spain),
  32. Vipar Daomanee (Thailand),
  33. Socialist Alternative (Australia),
  34. Union de Militantes por el Socialismo (UMS, Argentina).


Laporan polis & Petisyen Pembebasan

15,000 orang telah menandatangani petisyen menyokong pembebasan EO6 ini. Dalam petisyen online pula dapat 10,000 orang yang membantah penahanan EO6 ini. 530 individu juga telah membuat laporan polis di seluruh negara membantah penahanan EO6 dan menuntut pembebasan 6 orang aktivis PSM ini.

Di Hong Kong, suatu protest telah diadakan menuntut pembebasan PSM EO6


Siri 23 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011) – Ulangtahun ke-10

Siri 23 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011) – Ulangtahun ke-10

22 Julai 2011 

22 Julai – 22 Julai merupakan suatu lagi hari bersejarah, dimana dua perkara penting telah berlaku. Pada hari ini sepatutnya pendengaran Mahkamah permohonan Harbeas Corpus PSM dihadapan YA Datuk Su Geok Yam untuk membebaskan PSM EO6. Ratusan orang dari rakyat akar umbi, penyokong dan ahli parti dimobilisasi ke Mahkamah jalan Duta pada pagi itu. T Shirt khas Bebaskan PSM EO6 juga habis diedarkan kepada semua di kompleks Mahkamah. Peguam Haji Sulaiman telah mengetuai team peguam PSM untuk pembentangan hujah dalam permohonan Habeas Corpus ini.

Malangnya kami kecewa, apabila Mahkamah menangguhkan pendengaran kes ini ke tarikh 5 Ogos, 2011. Kekecewaan ini di suarakan dengan begitu gemuruh sekali diluar bangunan Mahkamah dengan sorakan “Bebas! Bebas, bebas Tahanan EO”

Pada hari yang sama, jam 3 petang, setelah beberapa aksi menghantar memorandum sebelum ini dari pelbagai kumpulan masyarakat masih gagal untuk membebaskan PSM EO6, maka suatu mobilisasi besar-besaran telah diadakan ke Bukit Aman.

Lebih 500 orang dari ahli politik, rakyat akar umbi, wakil masyarakat sivil dan ahli parti dari pelusuk negara berarak kearah Ibupejabat Polis Bukit Aman. Semangat perjuangan dan kemarahan rakyat amat tinggi pada ketika, itu dan situasi bertambah tegang, Pihak polis tidak dapat mengawal keadaan, dan para demonstran dapat terus mara ke pintu depan Bukit Aman dan terus mengadakan protes kita.

Para penyokong, ahli politik dan wakil dari masyarakat sivil kesemuanya telah memberikan ucapan bersemangat bertubi-tubi mendesak pembebasan aktivis PSM EO6.

Sokongan dari pelbagai organisasi turut membanjiri mendesak pembebasan EO6. Suatu organisasi dari Argentina, Corriente Socialista El Militante mengeluarkan kenyataan mengecam penahanan dan menuntut EO6 dibebaskan segera.

“We therefore urge that the earliest possible date for the hearing of the habeas corpus application filed by the six detainees…. We are extremely concerned to learn that on 6 July, the six detainees filed their habeas corpus application to challenge their unlawful detention, an application which is normally heard on an urgent basis..”

Committee fo Workers International, UK juga menghantar surat kepada Najib Razak dan juga kepada Pengerusi SUHAKAM. Mereka juga memberi amaran bahawa jika Kerajaan Malaysia masih gagal untuk membebaskan PSM EO6, maka mereka akan mengatur organisasi mereka untuk menghadakan protest di semua Kedutaan Malaysia diseluruh dunia.

“If these six campaigners are not released immediately, and compensated for what they have suffered, we will organise a round of protests at embassies and businesses connected with Malaysia world-wide”

Sebuah organisasi pekerja, dari Nigeria turut membangkitkan rasa ketidakpuashatian mereka terdahap tindakan Kerajaan Malaysia terus menahan PSM EO6.

The Campaign for Democratic and Workers’ Rights (CDWR) is a pro-working people organisation based in Nigeria with members in workplaces and communities. The CDWR demands the immediate and unconditional freedom of all 6 detainees; immediately dropping of all fabricated charges and proper compensation paid to them.

The CDWR also demands that the Malaysian government should respect all democratic rights to all her citizens including the rights to protest all ant-people policies and immediately end all forms of repression. However, if these aforementioned demands are not met, the CDWR will commence other forms of solidarity actions in Nigeria including protesting to Malaysia Embassy and popularising the continued detention of the 6 PSM members”

The CDWR also demands that the Malaysian government should respect all democratic rights to all her citizens including the rights to protest all ant-people policies and immediately end all forms of repression. However, if these aforementioned demands are not met, the CDWR will commence other forms of solidarity actions in Nigeria including protesting to Malaysia Embassy and popularising the continued detention of the 6 PSM members”

Pada hari ini juga protes candle light vigil diadakan di Cameron Highlands.

Siri #HariIniDalamSejarah ini akan menjejaki usaha PSM dalam Perjuangan Membebaskan Tahanan PSM EO6 sehingga hari mereka dibebaskan pada 29 Julai, 2011. Nantikan kiriman kami yang seterusnya.


ℹ️ Untuk maklumat terkini, sertai saluran Telegram PSM di ?

Siri 22 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011) – Ulangtahun ke-10

Siri 22 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011) – Ulangtahun ke-10

21 Julai 2011.

21 Julai – 24 Aktivis PSM ( selain 6 orang PSM EO6 ) yang ditahan pada 2 Jun, 2011 dan dibebaskan atas jamin pada 4 Julai, 2011 telah diminta hadir ke Mahkamah pada untuk kes tuduhan mereka.  

Edmund Bon Kredit :

Peguam PSM, Edmond Bon menyatakan bahawa dalam kesemua affidavit balasan dari Peguam Negara terhadap permohonan Harbeas Corpus yang difailkan oleh PSM, Kerajaan langsung tidak menyebut bahawa aktivis PSM ditahan kerana membangkitkan ideologi komunis. Peguam Negara hanya menyatakan bahawa mereka ditahan kerana menjadi penggerak kepada BERSIH 2011. Maka jelas bahawa propaganda Kerajaan selama ini adalah tohmahan palsu dan tidak berasas.

Lanjutan dari pendedahan kandungan affidavit tersebut, Karpal Singh terus mengecam Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri kerana kenyataan yang palsu itu bertentangan dengan affidavit bersumpah pegawai Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Bukit Aman.

Kamarul Zaman was in an authoritative position to make a sworn statement that the six were detained under EO for their alleged roles in Bersih 2.0 and not for activities related to communism, although the police grounds for the detention were baseless in the first place”. It reflects serious mala fides on the part of the police in relation to the arrest and detention of the PSM six under the EO,” 

Maka Karpal Singh mendesak agar Menteri Hishammuddin Hussein mengarahkan polis untuk menarik balik affidavit jawapan tersebut dan terus membebaskan PSM EO6 itu.

MP Rembau Kredit : BH Online

Pada hari ini juga, anehnya seorang Ahli Parlimen UMNO, MP Rembau, Khairy Jamaluddin, sendiri tidak setuju dengan naratif UMNO itu dan berkata bahawa Kerajaan telah disalahpandu untuk menbuat penahanan itu. Beliau berkata bahawa beliau sendiri menjadi saksi kepada perdebatan Dr Kumar dalam Parlimen, dan ianya bersifat intelektual dan tiada elemen subversif. Maka Khairy Jamaluddin berjanji akan membawa isu utk membebaskan EO6 kepada Najib Razak sebaik sahaja beliau balik dari luar negara.  

Timbalan Presiden Majlis Peguam Christopher Leong berkata dalam Forum EO6 yang diadakan bahawa “EO is another form of ISA political tool of the government, hence, if the government uses something that is under amendment, it will receive further criticism. I think by using the EO, the government is seen to pass the buck to the police by saying the detention was done by them, not by the government”

EO is another form of ISA political tool of the government, hence, if the government uses something that is under amendment, it will receive further criticism. I think by using the EO, the government is seen to pass the buck to the police by saying the detention was done by them, not by the government”

Kami juga menerima surat bantahan dari Belgian Section of the Committee for a Workers’ International, membantah penahanan PSM EO6 yang dihantar kepada Perdana Menteri Malaysia.

PSM juga dimaklumkan bahawa Sarasvathy telah dibawa ke Hospital kerana mengalami sakit dada. Saudara keluarga Sarasvathy menimbulkan rasa kekecewaan mereka terhadap polis kerana gagal memberikan maklumat yang jelas mengenai keadaan kesihatan Saras.

Video peguam Yudistra dan Edmond Bon yang failkan permohonan Harbeas Corpus di Mahkamah. Peguam yang dapat berjumpa dengan tahanan Sugumaran dan Sarasvathy membongkarkan pengalaman dan soalsiasat yang lalui oleh kedua-dua mereka itu.

Protes candle light vigil berterusan pada malam hari di Bukit Aman.




NGO2 wanita adakan sidang akhbar menuntut pembebasan PSM EO6.



Siri #HariIniDalamSejarah ini akan menjejaki usaha PSM dalam Perjuangan Membebaskan Tahanan PSM EO6 sehingga hari mereka dibebaskan pada 29 Julai, 2011. Nantikan kiriman kami yang seterusnya.


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10th year Commemoration of the detention and the struggle to release the 6 PSM activists from Emergency Ordinance. (2011-2021)

20th July, 2021 – 10 years ago today  – Remembering the turbulent political times, here we share writings from various from activist, academics, supporters and many others that demanded the release of the PSM EO6. 


NH Chan, a much respected former Court of Appeal Judge expresses in the blog as follows ;

“ The regime and its underlings the police behaved as expected of tyrants – typical of all bullies they were afraid of their own shadow – they saw the ghosts of the insurgency of Chin Peng and the CPM (Communist Party of Malaya) being revived…..Returning to the hullabaloo of the police on the involvement of national security and public order, don’t they know, as all of us already know, that communism as an ideology had collapsed with the fall of the Berlin wall and the disintegration of the Soviet Union? There is no more threat from any idea of communist expansionism from Chinese communists as China has turn to capitalism and has prospered as the world’s second largest economy next to America..”

Read more:


The then DAP chairperson Karpal Singh also lambasted Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Abdul Aziz for getting his facts wrong in seeking to defend the detention of six PSM activists under the Emergency Ordinance. “ As the de facto minister of law, much more is expected of him than “irresponsible and inaccurate” statements over the law as well as his defence of its application against the ‘PSM Six’ as the activists have been dubbed” , Karpal added that out that the Emergency (Public Order and Prevention of Crime) Ordinance No 5 of 1969 came about following the May 13 riots, not for the purpose of combatting communism.

As the de facto minister of law, much more is expected of him than “irresponsible and inaccurate” statements over the law as well as his defence of its application against the ‘PSM Six’ as the activists have been dubbed

– Karpal Singh

“This ordinance (EO) has all along been used to quell gangland activities. It has never been used to combat communism,” said Karpal in a statement today.

The use of the EO amounts to “unadulterated abuse of it” and the six persons detained should be released immediately, he said.


International support demanding the release of the PSM EO6 comrades continue to pour in. MP in Australia from The Greens David Shoebridge. Member of the New South Wales Legislative Council writes as follows to the Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Razak.

Besides the pressure from local and international leaders, our lawyers kept the pressure by exposing all police conducts against the PSM EO6. In a press conference, the lawyers further exposed the government’s tactics in trying to justify the arrest of the EO 6. Lawyer Arumugam whom met Letchumanan to get his signature of the affidavit informed that Letchumanan was subjected to polygraph test by the police. This action by the police is definitely a form of mental torture and an attempt to break the mental strength of the detainee. Whether it is also used on other detainees he was unable to confirm at that time.

Regional left parties also issued solidarity statements demanding that the PSM EO6 be released as soon as possible . The statement is reproduced here as follows;

Regional left statement in solidarity with PSM: Free all political prisoners! Democracy for the Malaysian people!

July 8, 2011 — On June 19, 2011, a campaign called Bersih 2.0 was called by the Malaysian people for a free and fair elections in the country with the 13th General Election around the corner. Bersih 2.0 also called a gathering for July 9, 2011. On June 24, the Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM, Socialist Party of Malaysia) launched a Udahlah BN, Bersaralah (Enough BN, retire now) campaign. The PSM campaign aimed to expose the corruption of the Barisan Nasional (BN) government and also to drum up support for the Bersih 2.0 rally.

Since June 22, more than 100 individuals have been arrested because they have expressed their support for a mass rally on July 9, called for by the Coalition for Free and Fair Elections (Bersih). As of now, 81 people have been arbitrarily arrested and detained by the police at various locations in the country before the Bersih 2.0 rally. A further 15 people have been called or summoned by the police for their statements to be recorded in relation to the Bersih 2.0 rally. The police harassment and intimidation included arresting people for wearing Bersih 2.0 T-shirts, distributing Bersih 2.0 leaflets, holding and carrying Bersih 2.0 T-shirts, taking 112 statements for more than one time, denying access to lawyers and medication during the detention period and the sexual harassment of women activists.

On July 3, six PSM members, including Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj (a member of parliament), have been rearrested under the Emergency Ordinance (EO), which allows for 60-day detention without trial, renewable for up to two years at the discretion of the home minister. The six were part of a group of 30 PSM activists who were remanded on June 25 for allegedly “waging war against the king”.

We view these acts of the Malaysian government as the suppression of the democratic rights of the Malaysian people. This is part of an attempt to protect the elite power that has been in power for years in Malaysia through the United Malays National Organisation-Barisan Nasional (UMNO-BN) regime.

We strongly condemn the Malaysian government for using harassment, arrest and intimidation as a method to try to silence opposition to the anti-democratic, anti-poor and anti-working-class policies of the Malaysian government.

We demand:

  1. That the government of Malaysia immediately and unconditionally release all the PSM activists in detention.
  2. That the government of Malaysia must stop all forms of repression and intimidation against the Malaysian people from expressing their democratic rights.
  3. We call on all the socialist and pro-democratic movements, in South East Asia and all the world, to build and give solidarity to the PSM and to the Malaysian people who are being repressed and arrested.

We also declare our fullest support for the ongoing campaign and the struggle of the Malaysian people for democracy.

Signed by:


Socialist Alliance (Australia), Reorganize Committee-Working People Association (KPO-PRP Indonesia), Resistance (Australia), Labour Party Pakistan (LPP), Party of Labouring Masses (PLM, Philippines), Socialist Aotearoa (New Zealand), Solidarity (Australia), Peoples Democratic Party (PRD Indonesia), Political Committee of the Poor-People’s Democratic Party (Indonesia), All Pakistan Federation of United Trade Unions, Radical Socialist (India), Nava Sama Samaja Party (NSSP, Sri Lanka), All Together (South Korea), Revolutionary Socialist Party (Australia), Australia Asia Worker Links, Vi Pham (Vietnam), Partido ng Manggagawa (Philippine), Herlounge (Indonesia), Empower Foundation (Thailand), Confederation Congress of Indonesia Union Alliance (KASBI), Vipar Daomanee, Turn Left Organisation Thailand, Turn Left Organisation Thailand, Socialist Alternative (Australia), Socialist Worker-New Zealand.


Left Party (Sweden), Communist Party of Sweden (SKP), Partido Obrero Revolucionario (POR, Spain).

Latin America

Union de Militantes por el Socialismo (UMS, Argentina).

Read more:


10th year Commemoration of the detention and the struggle to release the 6 PSM activists from Emergency Ordinance. (2011-2021)


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Siri 21 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011) – Ulangtahun ke-10

Siri 21 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011) – Ulangtahun ke-10

20 Julai 2011

20 Julai – Berhubung dengan kenyataan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Dato Mohamed Nazri pada 19 Julai yang polis berhak menahan kami kerana tuduhannya ialah mengenai membangkitkan ideologi komunisme, kami dengan segera mengadakan satu sidang akhbar pada hari ini, 20 Julai, 2011 untuk membidas kenyataan Menteri JPM itu.

Sidang akhbar dihadiri oleh pelbagai aktivis masyarakat yang turut menekankan fakta gambar dan buku-buku yang memaparkan pemimpin Parti Komunis Malaya yang dibubarkan itu tidak boleh digunakan sebagai sebab untuk terus menahan aktivis PSM. Jika penahanan tersebut berdasarkan pemaparan hubungan dengan pimpinan komunis, jadi bagaimana pula gambar Tun Abdul Razak dengan Mao Tse Tung yang menjadi poster kempen utama pada tahun 1970an itu.

Bilik sidang akhbar dipenuhi dengan pelbagai T Shirt dan juga buku-buku biodata pemimpin komunis, demi mematahkan naratif hantu bayangan komunis yang ingin dimainkan oleh Mohamed Nazri dan UMNO.

Pada malam hari itu, suatu forum di adakan di auditorium Bar Council (Majlis Peguam Malaysia) Kuala Lumpur. Forum itu dihadiri oleh begitu ramai rakyat mendengar berita terkini mengenai tahanan PSM EO6.

Forum diikuti oleh protes diluar bangunan Majlis Peguam pada malam itu juga.


Siri #HariIniDalamSejarah ini akan menjejaki usaha PSM dalam Perjuangan Membebaskan Tahanan PSM EO6 sehingga hari mereka dibebaskan pada 29 Julai, 2011. Nantikan kiriman kami yang seterusnya.


ℹ️ Untuk maklumat terkini, sertai saluran Telegram PSM di ?



Letter from Dr. James V. Jesudason

10th year Commemoration of the detention and the struggle to release the 6 PSM activists from Emergency Ordinance. (2011-2021). 

19 July 2011

I write with great concern over the incarceration of Sungai Siput parliamentarian Dr D Jeyakumar, or Kumar, under the Emergency Ordinance. It is mystifying to me how the authorities can construe Kumar’s commitments and political activities as either waging war against the Agong or subverting the nation.

What has become of the Malaysian power structure that such an individual, widely seen as brilliant and deeply caring, can be so cynically arrested by using the bogeyman of communism? As an old friend, it is equally worrisome to hear that he has been admitted to the National Heart Institute (IJN), with the possible harm to his health brought about by this outrageous action.

Kumar and I go back a long way. There is a family picture of him and me when we were one year old, but I do not remember the encounter. We became friends in Penang Free School, where Kumar spent more time in community and educational projects than in class, though still managing to become the top student in our school.

After the Higher School Certificate exam (HSC) in 1973, we travelled together for two months in India. I wished to be far away from home when my HSC results came out and Kumar wanted to understand why so many people were poor in India.

Later both of us went to the United States to study, he at Yale and I nearby at Wesleyan. To my surprise, but totally consistent with his desire to lead a socially meaningful life, Kumar decided to return to Malaysia to do medicine as this would enable him to understand and serve his fellow beings, especially the weak and marginalised, better.

Although I would be based mainly in Singapore and the US subsequently, I would meet Kumar from time to time, and learn of his political and community service activities and his thinking on Malaysian society.

Much has been said already in Malaysiakini and elsewhere about Kumar’s amazing range of public health and social projects, so I need not be redundant.

All I wish to say is that in all the time I have known Kumar, I have never seen any violent streak in his person, he being constitutionally incapable of such behaviour. And being a very gentle person, he is averse to forcing his ideas on anyone or to act against basic democratic norms. He has been an enabler all his life, not a subverter.

Jeyakumar’s dreams

So let’s get a few facts straight. Kumar is a self-avowed socialist and is totally transparent about it. He is suspicious of the profit motive, believes that rampant capitalism has led to environmental disaster and sees a moral link between capitalism and selfish behaviour in society.

He believes that in many contexts, such as in Malaysia, the capitalist system can by-pass the needs of poor communities. He would like to see a more equal society. That entails not sitting by and idly wishing for it or just talking intellectually about it, but actually working to ensure that the poor are organised and have strong leverage in society.

Kumar might have a dream of more equality and a less materialistic life, but it is not a violent dream. It is not a dream that denies religion and/or the value of democratic processes. In the meantime, he and his colleagues are serving the poor in meaningful ways, though constrained by available resources, and groups across ethnic lines have approached them for help.

No decent society arrests such an individual. And from my viewpoint, it can in fact be argued that increasing the social power of the marginalised and weaker segments of society is not just a matter of justice, but is necessary for a productive and progressive capitalism.

For example, in European social democracy, high productivity capitalism coincides with enormous social sharing and low corruption. This system, which I admire, has been underpinned by the strong mobilisation and representation of the working and subordinate classes in politics.

It did not come about from the top-down favours bestowed by the elite, but from the increased social power of the lower classes, through unionisation and political mobilisation, which forced capitalism to be more equitable and, ironically, very dynamic as well. Here’s where Adam Smith, the proponent of free markets, meets Karl Marx, the proponent of a socialised economy.

There is nothing alarming in this formulation. It’s just conventional social science. One can disagree with Kumar’s socialist ideas, but the point is to engage him, debate with him, or to challenge him by providing an even better deal for his party’s would-be supporters. But to arrest him?

Either the authorities do not understand the basic logic of how societies work, or they actually want to block a more moral form of capitalism from taking root.

Predatorial politics

This leads me to another deep worry. I used to write and lecture on Malaysia, arguing that its governance system was able to survive for a long time because of its flexibility.

I called the Malaysian system a “syncretic state” by which I meant the regime was able to balance capitalism and a decent deal for the weaker sectors, democracy with selective coercion, secularism with religious identity, and nationalism with controlled ethnic mobilisation.

I fear that over time, politics in Malaysia has taken on more predatorial features. Political power is sought to serve narrow self-interests, whose maintenance has resulted in the undermining of institutions. The negative side of the balance is becoming dangerously entrenched. Coercion becomes the easy recourse to political challenges.

Unheard of levels of ethnic and religious brinkmanship become acceptable as a means to maintain power. How much easier to mobilise group emotions on the basis of perceived and concocted threats than to deliver tangible benefits or a high-skilled economy?

And amidst growing alienation, the regime finds itself widening the circle of subversives – it’s no more real threats such as communist insurgents or Islamic terrorists who become targets, but now democratic activists and educated professionals are seen as a danger to society.

This unhealthy milieu has even alienated some of my outstanding Malay students, who are having second thoughts about returning to Malaysia.

There comes a time, in the interest of the nation, for political leaders to understand that social forces and ideas in society have gone beyond the framework imposed by them. Preserving the status quo imposes huge costs on society and tears it apart.

The Singapore government, for example, which used to claim that only its leaders represented rationality and intelligence, leading to much political alienation, have now faced up to the fact that there are many smart people in society with valid ideas who have to be listened to.

In Malaysia, there are now many multiracial coalitions standing for universal principles of freedom and tolerance. There are capable people willing to be MPs and state assemblymen who don’t seek anything more in office other than their official salary to serve the rakyat. And opposition parties are proving that they can run society quite well, certainly no worse than Barisan Nasional.

These are developments which any true nationalist would celebrate. Kumar’s arrest represents a long process of institutional decay and the narrowing of political vision in Malaysia. It is a blatant sign of the inability of the regime to engage with ongoing changes in society or to reform itself.

Recent government actions have undermined all past efforts to make the country look good in the eyes of the world. My Middle Eastern Muslim colleagues and friends think it is laughable when the word ‘Allah’ cannot be used by Christians in Malaysia. And what if I tell them now that yellow shirts are banned in Malaysia? Even Queen Elizabeth would turn yellow.

Enough is enough. Let’s get on with building a real knowledge-based society that is tolerant of a broad variety of ideas in society. The government can take the first step toward reform by releasing Kumar and his colleagues.

JAMES V JESUDASON has a PhD in Sociology from Harvard University and has written broadly on Malaysian politics and economics. He is currently Teaching Professor at the Colorado School of Mines, having previously taught at the National University of Singapore.

10th year Commemoration of the detention and the struggle to release the 6 PSM activists from Emergency Ordinance. (2011-2021)


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