PSM eyes to reclaim Sg Siput seat, amongst other seats identified for GE15

PSM eyes to reclaim Sg Siput seat, amongst other seats identified for GE15

The PSM Central Committee had an emergency meeting on the 10 October 2022. The following was discussed.

1. PSM is disappointed that the Parliament was dissolved less than 3 days after the budget. It is a mockery of our parliamentary democracy. Besides this election will only be held at Parliament level which means the rakyat’s money will be further plundered because of the political interest of UMNO leaders. A national election at this time will also be a huge distraction to efforts and resources needed to meet monsoon emergencies.

2. Many media have asked us which seats we will be contesting. This will be very much determined by if the electoral pact with PH works out. Since our last meeting with the PH committee on 30 September 2022, we have yet to hear of any outcome officially from the Committee who did say that they will report to the PH Presidential Council.

3. Nevertheless PSM has put forward a very reasonable and minimum request to PH. Besides agreeing to use a common logo, we have asked to contest in the Sg. Siput parliament seat for PSM Chairperson while the other seats requested were seats which are not incumbent seats of the current four PH component parties.

4. Meanwhile PSM will proceed to have its training workshop for its shortlisted candidates and campaign managers on the 15th of October 2022.

5. On the 17th of October 2022, on the International day to Eradicate Poverty, the Marhaen coalition and sectors will also put forward their grassroots election demands to all the political parties contesting.

Pengarah Biro Pilihanraya PSM.
Timbalan Pengerusi
10 Oktober 2022

We Are Hiring! – Social Media Officer

We Are Hiring! – Social Media Officer

We are hiring! – Social Media Communication and Campaigns Officer

The Socialist Party of Malaysia is seeking a vibrant and ambitious person to be our social media communications and campaigns officer. The right person will be creative and innovative in driving our social media presence, broadening our online reach and developing and monitoring online campaigns that promote active engagement with the Party and the values, ideals and approaches that we stand for. You will also support greater communication and engagement amongst our growing Party membership.

If you have skills and experience in social media and online platforms, are committed to an honest politics, a fairer society and a strong economy, are passionate about harnessing the power of social media to drive a movement for change, then join us!

Interested candidates please send CV to or WhatsApp to

Statement for International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

Statement for International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

As the United Nations General Assembly commemorates 26th September as the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons today, we are threatened by multiple conflicts around the world that could trigger a nuclear catastrophe.

While the commemoration serves to remind the world community to reaffirm their commitment to global nuclear disarmament as a priority, but we can single out the United States’ war mongering manoeuvres that increase tensions with nuclear powers such as China, Russia & North Korea.

There is nothing stopping the US and NATO from placing nuclear weapons interceptors in Ukraine, as they have done in Romania and Poland, a move that would further escalate tensions with Russia (by undermining the nuclear deterrence).

Similarly, the US led AUKUS initiative with Australia and UK to encircle China is causing provocations and tensions in the South Pacific.

On this day, PSM calls on the world community to rise and demand warmongering nations to cease escalations and seek a peaceful resolution to conflicts.

Parti Sosialis Malaysia

(Ulang Siar) PSM Desak Kerajaan Isytihar Darurat Iklim

(Ulang Siar) PSM Desak Kerajaan Isytihar Darurat Iklim

PSM telah melancarkan kempen mengetengahkan isu krisis iklim sejak awal tahun 2020 mendesak Kerajaan Malaysia supaya mengisytihar Darurat Iklim.

“Kita sedang menghadapi krisis iklim yang mengancam kehidupan manusia di dunia. Walaupun begitu banyak Persidangan Perubahan Iklim Sedunia (COP) diadakan, tetapi dunia kita masih tidak melakukan yang secukupnya untuk menghentikan apa yang sedang berlaku. Oleh itu, kami berpandangan bahawa masyarakat perlu melakukan sesuatu secara keseluruhan.”

Pengerusi PSM Dr. Jeyakumar Devaraj

“Terdapat orang dalam kerajaan yang sedar dan prihatin tentang isu ini, tetapi terdapat juga banyak pihak berkepentingan yang sedang memberi tekanan ke atas kerajaan dengan cara-cara tertentu, seperti industri minyak petroleum, industri pembuatan kereta dan sebagainya. Terdapatnya lobi hebat yang berkait rapat dengan ahli-ahli politik… Ini menyebabkan kerajaan banyak berpura-pura (lip service) dan sangat sedikit kerja yang sebenar,” kata Dr. Jeyakumar.

“Kita perlu berusaha untuk membina satu gerakan massa yang memfokus pada menangani krisis iklim. Ini adalah matlamat kempen ini,” tegas Dr. Jeyakumar. Kempen Krisis Iklim PSM ini akan berusaha memberdaya masyarakat akar umbi untuk memperjuangkan perubahan yang perlu demi menyelamatkan masyarakat kita daripada ancaman kemusnahan alam.

PSM telah meluluskan satu usul dalam Kongres Nasional Parti pada tahun 2017 untuk menjalankan kajian tentang cara-cara untuk mengurangkan gas rumah hijau. Kemudiannya PSM telah mengadakan perbincangan yang mendalam dengan masyarakat sivil yang peka pada isu ini untuk mengemukakan cadangan-cadangan mengurangkan pembebasan gas rumah hijau dan menangani krisis iklim. Hasil daripada kajian dan konsultasi yang melibatkan banyak pihak, PSM menyediakan satu dokumen dasar untuk menangani krisis iklim daripada beberapa aspek. 

Baca lanjut dokumen :

Selepas dibentangkan dalam Kongres Nasional PSM pada tahun 2019, satu usul diluluskan untuk melancarkan kempen yang memfokus pada keperluan segera dalam menangani krisis iklim. Oleh itu, PSM melancarkan kempen baru untuk menuntut pada kerajaan supaya mengisytihar “Darurat Iklim” atau Kecemasan Iklim Climate Emergency, dengan membawa isu ini kepada perhatian orang ramai di seluruh negara.

Kenapa kita perlu mengisytihar Darurat Iklim sekarang?

  • Penebangan hutan sedang berlaku pada kadar yang mencemaskan, dan Kerajaan gagal mengawalselia penebangan hutan secara berkesan.
  • Pembangunan ekonomi negara kita sedang mengambil jalan yang tidak mampan, dengan dasar kerajaan yang bercanggahan, seperti hendak mengeksploitasi sumber alam semulajadi dan memelihara alam pada masa yang sama.
  • Ketidakpedulian tentang kesan pembangunan yang terlampau terhadap alam sekitar.
  • Kegagalan Kerajaan dalam mengurangkan pembebasan gas rumah hijau.

10 tuntutan utama yang dikemukakan dalam Kempen Isytihar Darurat Iklim ialah:

  1. Hentikan pembinaan loji penjana kuasa elektrik yang menggunakan bahan api fosil (seperti arang batu, gas asli dan minyak).
  2. Tetapkan tarikh akhir untuk penutupan semua loji penjana kuasa yang membakar arang batu.
  3. Kerajaan Persekutuan memperuntukkan geran tahunan kepada Kerajaan Negeri untuk hutan dara yang belum ditebang.
  4. Hentikan pembalakan di hutan dara, hutan tanah gambut dan hutan paya bakau.
  5. Pinda Akta Perhutanan untuk membolehkan rundingan yang melibatkan ADUN pembangkang, badan-badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) alam sekitar dan masyarakat Orang Asli, sebelum memberi sebarang kelulusan untuk pembalakan.
  6. Tangkap semua gas metana daripada sisa efluen kilang kelapa sawit (POME) untuk digunakan dalam penjanaan kuasa elektrik.
  7. Bangunkan rangkaian pengangkutan bas massa (BMT) yang efisien di seluruh negara.
  8. Bangunkan sistem pengurusan berasingan untuk sisa makanan dan organik supaya mengalihkannya dari tapak pelupusan sampah ke penghasilan biogas yang menjana kuasa elektrik.
  9. Haramkan pelepasan gas “fugitif” daripada sektor minyak dan gas.
  10. Tubuhkan satu jawatankuasa peringkat tinggi yang dipengerusi oleh Perdana Menteri untuk menyelaraskan usaha pengurangan gas rumah hijau dan membentangkan laporan kemajuan tahunannya dalam Parlimen.
Tangani krisis iklim segera!

Tangani krisis iklim segera!

Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) telah mengemukakan pelan tindakan alternatif “Kempen Pemulihan Nasional” untuk menggesa pembaharuan yang dapat menjamin kesejahteraan masyarakat. Siri rencana ini akan menyenaraikan tuntutan yang terkandung dalam 5 teras pelan tindakan yang bertemakan “#RakyatMintaLima” ini.


Teras 5: Tangani krisis iklim segera

Krisis iklim juga sewajarnya menjadi tumpuan demi kebajikan masyarakat Malaysia. Akibat kegiatan industri berteraskan pengautan untung yang tidak dikawal, bukan sahaja Malaysia malah seluruh dunia menghadapi krisis iklim yang bakal memupuskan spesies manusia. Lapisan ozon semakin menipis, paras laut semakin meningkat dan cuaca semakin aneh. Oleh itu, kerajaan perlu mengambil langkah yang sepatutnya demi membanteras isu tersebut. Setelah memperhatikan data berkenaan, masalah yang khusus kepada negara kita telah dikenalpasti. Matlamat yang kita perlu capai demi mengatasinya adalah seperti berikut:

  • Penggunaan 100% tenaga boleh baharu sebelum tahun 2035
  • Penanganan pencemaran daripada industri petroleum
  • Pengutamaan pengangkutan awam
  • Pelaksanaan moratorium kekal terhadap pembalakan di hutan primer

Penggunaan 100% tenaga boleh baharu sebelum tahun 2035

Sektor penjanaan tenaga elektrik merupakan pengeluar gas rumah hijau tertinggi di Malaysia, khususnya di Semenanjung Malaysia. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) yang menghasilkan sebanyak 66% daripada permintaan elektrik dengan pembakaran arang batu, manakala 24% dihasilkan dengan pembakaran fosil-metana (gas asli). Malaysia perlu beralih kepada 100% sumber tenaga boleh baharu sebelum tahun 2035.

Oleh itu, kerajaan perlu:

  • Meningkatkan kecekapan tenaga dengan drastik dalam sektor industri dan komersial.
  • Melaksanakan moratorium terhadap janakuasa bahan api fosil.
  • Meningkatkan penjanaan daripada Tenaga Boleh Baharu (TBB).
  • Menggunakan bio-metana daripada sisa organik, efluen minyak kilang kelapa sawit (POME), tapak pelupusan sampah, dan sisa pertanian di stesen janakuasa gas.
  • Membina sistem grid tenaga pintar sebelum tahun 2025.
  • Membina sistem grid tenaga untuk membawa kuasa hidro Sarawak ke Sabah sebelum tahun 2024.
  • Memperkukuh sistem Grid Tenaga ASEAN (APG).

Penanganan pencemaran daripada industri petroleum

Industri petroleum negara kita mengeluarkan 8.30% daripada gas rumah hijau (GHG) di Malaysia melalui aktiviti penerokaan, perlombongan, penghasilan dan penapisan petroleum dan fosil-gas. Kebanyakan pencemaran GHG daripada industri petroleum adalah hasil kegiatan venting dan flaring yang boleh dielakkan dengan teknologi sedia ada. Oleh itu, kerajaan perlu mengharamkan pelepasan pencemar fugitif seperti venting dan flaring daripada industri petroleum negara.

Pengutamaan pengangkutan awam

Pertambahan populasi bandar serta penggunaan kenderaan yang semakin bertambah di Malaysia melepaskan karbon dioksida yang berlebihan ke dalam atmosfera. Pembangunan jalan raya dan penggunaan kenderaan mengurangkan litupan vegetasi dan meningkatkan paras tenaga haba dalam atmosfera sehingga mengakibatkan isu seperti banjir kilat, kenaikan suhu bandar, kesesakan jalan raya dan juga pencemaran air dan udara.

Secara umumnya, majoriti daripada pelepasan bahan pencemar udara adalah daripada sektor pengangkutan selain daripada pelepasan industri dan pembakaran terbuka. Dianggarkan sebanyak 88% daripada masyarakat Malaysia menggunakan kenderaan persendirian dan dilaporkan bahawa pelepasan gas karbon dioksida di Lembah Klang adalah sebanyak 337,800 tan setahun.

Oleh itu, kerajaan perlu:

  • Membangunkan sistem pengangkutan awam yang mampan bagi memudahkan pergerakan rendah karbon.
  • Mewujudkan pengangkutan awam berasaskan “Bus Mass Transit” (BMT) di semua bandar di Malaysia.
  • Pengangkutan BMT perlu mengutamakan bas elektrik untuk mengurangkan pencemaran udara daripada enjin diesel.

Pelaksanaan moratorium kekal terhadap pembalakan di hutan primer

Hutan primer terdiri daripada spesies asli yang telah berkembang secara semulajadi, dengan sedikit atau tanpa bukti kegiatan manusia, termasuk hutan yang pulih daripada bencana alam. Hutan primer mempunyai biodiversiti yang lebih tinggi daripada hutan sekunder yang menggantikannya. Antara contoh hutan sekunder yang wujud di Malaysia adalah hutan tropikal dan hutan paya bakau.

Kerajaan perlu melaksanakan:

  • Moratorium kekal terhadap aktiviti pembalakan dan perlombongan di dalam hutan primer;
  • Pewartaan semua hutan primer sebagai hutan simpanan kekal (HSK).

Excessive Empowerment by the Control of Tobacco Product and Smoking Bill 2022

Excessive Empowerment by the Control of Tobacco Product and Smoking Bill 2022

KUALA LUMPUR, AUGUST 2 2022: On July 26 2022, the Malaysian Ministry of Health (MOH) proposed a bill in parliament which is referred to as the Control of Tobacco Product and Smoking Bill 2022 with the aim of ending the consumption of tobacco products among Malaysians born on January 1 2007 and later. Although the vision is favourable from a medical and health perspective, the contents of the bill are problematic particularly in terms of enforcement.

Firstly, clause 17 stipulates that any person born on January 1 2007 onwards who is found guilty of smoking or possessing any tobacco product or substitute, or even just using any smoking device shall be liable to a fine not exceeding RM500 (initially RM5000 but has been reduced according to a tweet by YB Khairy Jamaluddin). This means that a punitive method will be used to combat smoking addiction which is a health issue, not a crime, further stigmatising it among the community. On top of that, the deliberate decision of implementing a fine will lead to lower income people being disproportionately affected as it will further burden them financially. It is common knowledge that punishment is not a deterrent and a person who is fined has no actual incentive to cease their smoking; they will merely be more vigilant to avoid getting into trouble again with the authorities. Thus, the bill is clearly contradictory to its supposed end goal.

Besides that, clauses 26, 31, and 34 pose a great threat to the safety of the people as they unnecessarily empower authoritative bodies, enabling them to abuse their power and terrorise individuals as well as communities. This is largely due to the use of ambiguous language within the bill. There is no clear indication of what is considered as suspicious behaviour to justify giving power to the authorities to enter premises, stop, search as well as seize conveyance, and access recorded information including but not limited to computerised data. Passing the bill without revising these clauses will jeopardise the security and privacy of people, including those who are in proximity to a suspect. The passing of the ineffective IPCC bill should also be highlighted as there is currently no strong independent body to monitor the activities of the authorities, further accentuating the inevitable abuse of power that will come with the passing of this bill.

Moreover, clause 33 which empowers the authorities to enforce measures contained within clause 32 without a warrant is detrimental to the people. Regardless of whether or not the authorities do possess reason to forgo a delayed warrant in order to search and seize a premise (by force if necessary as provided in clause 32), this sets a precedent for them to do so anyway, being held accountable for it (if at all) only after it has been weaponized against a suspect. This is clearly an unnecessary amount of power to give to any authoritative body which harms the people, especially marginalised and lower income groups who are disproportionately targeted by them.

As mentioned, YB Khairy Jamaluddin, the Minister of Health, has uploaded a tweet on August 1 2022 at 6.15pm which states that some small amendments have been made to the bill including the reduction of the maximum fine, the addition of a community service option, the outlawing of body searches on those below 18 years old, and the removal of punishments for those who are caught possessing tobacco products. However, these changes are insufficient as the clauses that enable abuse of power still exist. The alterations on the other hand have not changed the efficacy of the bill as whether it is a fine of RM 500 or RM 5000, they are both huge amounts for lower income people, causing them to still be disproportionately affected. In addition, no one should be subjected to a body search for committing any offence related to this bill.

In summary, the Control of Tobacco Product and Smoking Bill 2022 proposed by the MOH should be thoroughly revised before even being considered to pass in parliament. It is full of dangerous provisions that expose the people to violations of their democratic and human rights. With this, Pemuda Sosialis demands for a bill that is designed with the best interest of the people in mind, centering methods of rehabilitation instead of punishment in order to resolve the issue of smoking in the nation. The MOH should also consider providing free nicotine patches and other safe alternatives to aid people in overcoming their smoking addiction if they truly care about the people’s health.


Ahli Jawatankuasa

Pemuda Sosialis

PSM publishes Socialist Perspectives 15 magazine

PSM publishes Socialist Perspectives 15 magazine

It is easier, as Frederic Jameson once remarked, to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. His words echo truly in Malaysia, where the axioms of liberal capitalism and “good governance” still hold us hostage. 

The specters of the Emergency, the global Red Scare, and sixty years of right-wing dictatorship haunt us still. Even the most progressive political voices are still only able to call for lukewarm social reforms, leaving the base economic structure unchallenged. It is almost impossible to imagine a genuine alternative for Malaysia, where the economy works for the people, and workers’ interests are represented and protected.  

That is precisely why Volume 15 of the Socialist Perspective magazine is an important read. This publication collects many of the thoughts and triumphs of the socialist movement in Malaysia, as seen through the writings of many of Parti Sosialis Malaysia’s (PSM) leading members. From reflections on recent struggles to punchy commentaries on domestic & international affairs, and even touching memorials to late comrades. This volume is an important contribution to the formation of a truly Malaysian socialism, formulated from & suited to the material conditions that the rakyat and marhaen are facing. 

There is no better antidote to despair for Malaysians than to see the good works & praxis that already exist. Socialist Perspective is, as always, a good reminder to all its readers that our struggles continue, and that the fight for a better Malaysia is alive and well.

Socialist Perspectives 15 is available by post, as well as walk-in purchases at PSM’s Headquarters

For Walk-in purchases:
Ibu Pejabat Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)
No. 140, Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad,
Brickfield 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Google Maps :

For other purchases, or buying in bulk, contact:
016-2290460 (Sook Hwa)

A New Deal for Malaysia – Socialists Launch Progressive Recovery Plan

A New Deal for Malaysia – Socialists Launch Progressive Recovery Plan


Press Statement
22nd May 2022

In the last 2 years, we have been fighting Covid-19 and the pandemic induced economic crisis that followed due to business shutdowns and movement control restrictions. As of November 2020, around 100,000 people have lost their jobs and many more in the informal sector would have lost their income. 

The pandemic has exposed the failures of Capitalism the world over and Malaysia has not been spared. Although business shutdowns and movement control orders were imposed across the board to all sectors of the population, but the impact on society varies along class lines. The poor were the most badly hit. Many lost their jobs as SMEs struggled to survive and self-employed micro businesses had to shut down their hard built businesses when cost outran their revenue. They were forced to look for alternate sources of income overnight.

Besides losing their source of livelihood, urban poor staying in 650 sq feet PPR public housing found it impossible to carry out social distancing and situations were exacerbated during isolation as their family members were required to be quarantined. 

The Malaysian government in its long standing conviction to the neoliberal path has been detracting from its responsibility of providing basic essential services for the rakyat and promoting privatisation of public services. After three decades of aggressive privatisation, we are left with a weakened public healthcare system, expensive education, workers with dismantled safeguards, an increase in precarious work, unaffordable housing and a widening disparity between the rich and poor. 

The pandemic shattered the already weak social security system, throwing poor households and even the M40 into sudden poverty. Some of the hard lessons the pandemic has taught us are; 

  1. The Pandemic and its induced economic crisis has hit the B40 the hardest. Despite the indiscriminate attack of the virus amongst the rich and poor, a household’s income and job security often determines if they can remain resilient throughout the pandemic. 
  1. Jobs that were thought to be secure just vanished overnight and many were left to fend for themselves, struggling desperately to put food on the table. Without a comprehensive social security system, many fell through the cracks.
  1. We were always told to believe that the private sector is the key driver for economic progress that provides jobs for the rakyat. However, when economic downturn strikes, the companies in the private sector falter, downsize their workforce and freeze new job openings. Many projects were put on hold and unemployment soared to 4.8% as at June, 2021(DOSM). The impact is larger as many have been forced from formal employment into underemployment and informal work. 
  1. Although policy makers always pushed for more privatisation of healthcare, health tourism and incentives for private medical care, it has been blatantly proven that it was the public healthcare system that provided care to the rakyat throughout the pandemic. Private healthcare was reluctant to take in Covid patients and moved extremely slowly to relieve the load off of government hospitals.
  1. Sectors of our working people who are often forgotten and marginalised by many are the ones who actually hold up the nation in times of crises. Those that provide essential services such as farmers, cleaners, garbage collectors, lorry drivers, delivery riders play a critical role to keep the supply and services going. We realise that it is not the fund managers, the speculators, the stock marketers and the bourgeois elite that stand out in these trying times.

These hard lessons need to be understood and acted upon so that we don’t make the same mistakes again. These experiences have taught us that we cannot return to business as usual and instead to take efforts to revamp our economic and development model seriously in order to make ourselves more resilient to future crises.

The political and corporate elite who were the least affected economically and socially by the pandemic will not be jolted to offer a progressive alternative for Malaysia. The neoliberal, corporate driven economic model has been accepted by both political coalitions. It was merely a change of guards with minimal attempt for structural change.

PSM believes that the task of ensuring that the basic needs are met for the rakyat is the responsibility of government. The government cannot stop at only extending easy credit to the banks and giving cash incentives for businesses to preserve and/or create jobs. We believe that given the marked loss in aggregate demand, these stimuli will not solve the problem as elaborated above. 

Trickle down approach fails to solve core structural problems in our policies.  Have the political elite failed to realise that they must step in and supply basic needs and services when the market fails to do so?

In these times of crises, people without income will be marginalised if we rely on market based approaches. The market fails when human need is not backed up by purchasing power. There is a real risk that a significant number of Malaysian families will not be able to provide basic needs – food, shelter and health care for themselves! And that is not acceptable!

As the paradigm shifts towards a progressive people centred action plan, PSM is putting forward a new deal for Malaysia. This new way forward attempts to take Malaysia on a path to dismantle the adverse effects of neoliberalism by enhancing our social security and rebuilding our basic support pillars for the rakyat’s well-being. Our new deal proposals are aptly themed “KEMPEN PEMULIHAN NASIONAL – PEKA NASIB KAMI! RAKYAT MINTA LIMA!

The action plan propounds 5 PILLARS as follows; 

  1. Empowering Social Security 
  2. Job Guarantee Scheme 
  3. Housing as a human right 
  4. Reinforcing Public Healthcare 
  5. Immediate Action to tackle Climate Crisis. 

The ideas being put forward by each pillar are briefly stated as follows; 

  1. Empowering Social Security for working people
  1. Introduce a Modified Universal Basic Income 
  2. End outsourcing of government services and absorb contract workers as permanent government staff
  3. Amend Labour and Social Security Acts to provide protection for ‘gig’ workers and precarious employment 
  4. Reform PERKESO’s Employment Insurance Scheme
  5. Monthly pensions for those above 65 years old
  1. Job Guarantee Scheme For Youth
  1. Green jobs
  2. Increase job opportunities in farming and food production
  3. Constructing more and equipping healthcare facilities better
  4. Jobs in conservation activities, reforestation and restoration of heritage sites
  5. Increase research opportunities in medical and pharmacological fields
  6. Increase social welfare workers to provide direct assistance to the needy
  7. Ground officers to monitor implementation of government programs
  8. Childcare work 
  9. Socialisation of housework 
  10. Reduce working hours
  11. Compel Government Linked Companies to fund and initiate such job guarantee schemes 
  12. Introduce a law against anti-discrimination in employment.
  1. Housing as a human right
  1. Build more rental PPR units for the B20
  2. Decouple public housing from the market
  3. Stop forced evictions of urban pioneers. Offer land to occupiers, not to third parties
  4. Establish a Non-profit trust fund to build houses for the B40 
  5. Maintenance of low cost housing apartments to be taken over by local councils
  1. Strengthen Public Healthcare System
  1. Rope in General Practitioners to assist in treating patients with chronic diseases to relieve the burden of Government Hospitals
  2. Use levy collected from migrant workers to pay for their healthcare cost
  3. Government should bear the cost of implants and surgical accessories at Hospitals 
  4. Ministry of Health budget needs to be increased
  5. Quality and affordable healthcare is social wage for the rakyat
  1. Immediate Action to tackle Climate Crisis
  1. Work towards 100% renewable energy
  2. Address pollution from Petroleum Industries
  3. Increase public transport infrastructure and ridership
  4. Moratorium on logging and mining in primary reserve forests

The proposals outlined in the document “KEMPEN PEMULIHAN NASIONAL – PEKA NASIB KAMI! RAKYAT MINTA LIMA! requires political will driven by clear class perspective and an anti-neoliberal stance to push for concrete changes. Malaysia’s recovery and progress requires a serious paradigm shift; decoupling itself from neoliberal policies that have clearly failed to safeguard the interest of the  rakyat in times of crisis.

The campaign will be launched concurrently on 22nd May, 2022 in Pulau Pinang, Kedah, Perak, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Johor.  

Subsequently we will embark on a national campaign tour, to promote the 5 key demands and why Malaysia needs to immediately proceed on an economic path away from the neoliberal model. 

The events planned in the coming weeks are as follows 

  • Campaign convoy to key cities.   
  • Engaging with the rakyat on the 5 pillars.  
  • Gathering feedback on local issues and endorsement for the demands. 
  • Banners in key areas. 
  • Group discussions 
  • Solidarity visits to communities involved in struggles 
  • Participation sessions with local civil society organisations. 

Please look out for upcoming campaign information soon. 

You may read the full 5 Pillar proposals here:  

For more information, please contact:  

Sivarajan A,

Stop the military aggression against the Kurds

Stop the military aggression against the Kurds

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the increasingly authoritarian Turkish president who hypocritically pretended to be a “peacemaker” in the Ukraine war has ordered the latest round of cross-border attacks which took effect on 17th April 2022, targeting areas controlled by Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) guerrillas in Southern Kurdistan (Northern Iraq).