10th year Commemoration of the detention and the struggle to release the 6 PSM activists from Emergency Ordinance. (2011-2021)

Remembering the turbulent political times, here we share writings from various from activist, academics, supporters and many others that demanded the release of the PSM EO6 , – Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj ( the current PSM Chairperson), Sugumaran , Letchumanan, Choo Chon Kai, Sarasvathy , and Sarath Babu.

Choo Sing Chye, a former Perak state assembly member, served as politcal secretary to the late P Patto writes about Dr Jeyakumar.

Dr Jeyakumar is a pleasant and a gentle person whose passion to help the poor had always been laced with compassion. Not a strand in him that suggests he is a violent person. Whatever he does transcends well beyond race and religion. He is a true Malaysian without the Indian adjective.

About three weeks ago, I received two books from him, Maaf Tuan Speaker, Saya Tidak Dapat Menyokong which is written by him and the other, Socialist Perspective 3 by Parti Sosialis Malaysia’s selected writers.

I read them both, but when he was charged with ‘waging war’ against our King and reviving the Communist ideology, I felt that we are living in a deflated democracy in which the government has gone overboard with its arrest of its citizens.

Violent inclination? It definitely does not show in his character or in his book.

His book is not seditious nor have any tendency towards violence. His book does not insinuate violence or the call for an armed uprising against the government. His writings showed none of these.

Even the choice of words in the PSM’s banner calling for the removal of the BN government were mild – I mean extremely mild. The choice of the keyword was ‘retire’ not ‘destroy’. ‘Retire’ does not conjure up any image of violence or aggressiveness. It is more of a call for the BN government to ‘leave-in-peace’ rather than a call for its destruction. 

His ideas and belief-system that he had expounded in his book do not stray away from the very position of the left-of-Centre which the present British Labour Party resides and for that matter, the Liberal Party (the present ruling government coalition partner in UK). 

If the Malaysian government insists on calling PSM communist than it is safe to call three quarter of Western Europe as Communist.

Generally, Dr Jeyakumar as I have known him is a soft-left Social Democrat rather than a hard-left Communist. 

The Malaysian Government must not dwell in the past, grow up please! Communism is fast fading away from the world political scene. In China, the teens are queuing up to buy the latest Apple’s I-Pads rather than queuing up to buy Mao’s little Red Book. 

The world has changed and the most unambiguous change is from the Land Above the Wind (Middle East).

Now the only decent thing the government should do is to release Dr Jeyakumar and his colleagues without any precondition.

Martin Jalleh, social activist and writer.

JULY 13 — Bersih 2.0 laid bare the fact that Umno is politically bankrupt. It brought out the same old bag of tricks, treats and threats. It looked like a party in a sordid state of denial and beyond redemption.

Alas, the BN went berserk over Bersih! The coalition continues to be the bane of democracy in Bolehland as it resorts to political moves most base in stifling and stopping Bersih!

The Prime Minister now tries desperately hard to redeem his battered image — which he has largely brought upon himself! Time and again he blundered — and very badly too.

Najib puts on a brave front whilst playing his blame game. He has been blindly led by his advisors and now finds himself in a bind, with a bruised ego and sounding very much like a broken record!

This time a humble woman lawyer of substance and a non-politician outshone him. Each time he attacked her, he reduced himself to a small boy begging for attention and looking for a fight.

The Home Minister did what he is most at home with — he bellowed with rage, and blared out the most bizarre and unimaginable balderdash. But no one bothers anymore with his bark and blather!

Of course the men in blue who looked as though they made up a branch of the Government (or a component of the BN), bowed, bent and did the bidding of their political (pay)master.
A bunch of bullies, their brutality was captured on bountiful clips on the Internet. Yet they unashamedly bulled about their innocence, and the PM and Home Minister added to the bunkum!

Whilst Malaysians refused to buckle, the bosses of the servile mainstream press continued to suck up to their political masters, giving stories a spin and slant that served the government The beleaguered BN continued to bluff itself– all the time! The rakyat refused to buy what it (and its newspapers) were selling!

The Bersih 2.0 march is over but its spirit lives on in many Malaysians – in spite of it being branded “illegal”. The Government can ban all it wants, but the rakyat will not be browbeaten!

The BN’s image has hit rock-bottom. It should begin cleansing its stained credibility and integrity by releasing all who are still “illegally” detained (as a result of their involvement with Bersih)!
Till to date, there is no solid and substantiated basis for the continued detention in particular of Dr Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj and five of his colleagues of the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM).

The Government has reduced itself to a political buffoon by resurrecting the“communist” and “foreign” bogeyman in the arrest and re-arrest of Dr Jeyakumar and the rest.
For a Government that brags so much about transformation and change, deploying Cold War tactics on political rivals in these days only reveals how far behind the times it really is!

Expecting the public to believe that Jeyakumar is trying to revive communist ideology is as ridiculous as saying that Deputy PM Muhyiddin Yassin is intelligent!

Those who know Jeyakumar personally readily vouch for his integrity, his passion for the poor and his principled, patient and peaceful approach. The MP is truly a rare breed politician!

The judiciary has just betrayed its often loud claim of being independent when it delayed today the hearing date of habeas corpus application of Jeyakumar and the five others by a month.
A June 2010 court circular states that such urgent hearing dates must be fixed within a week after filing. The blunt and brutal truth — the judiciary remains beholden to the government.

The longer Jeyakumar and his colleagues remain behind bars, the longer the Government of Malaysia will look bad in the eyes of the world. It has no one to blame but itself.
The Government has to clean up its act. Malaysia sits on the UN Human Rights Council with a laundry list of transgressions. It cannot afford to turn a blind eye to this daylight mockery!

Alas, the Government got more than it bargained for when trying to banish Bersih into oblivion. Najib leads the nation forward into abysmal political backwaters.


For the latest updates, subscribe to the Socialist Party of Malaysia’s Telegram channel at t.me/partisosialis 

Siri 16 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011) – Ulangtahun ke-10

Siri 16 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011) – Ulangtahun ke-10

15 Julai 2011

15 Julai – Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng telah menulis kepada polis memohon kebenaran melawat Dr Kumar, Ahli Parlimen Sg Siput pada 12 Julai, 2011. Berikutan permohonan tersebut, beberapa Ahli Parlimen, iaitu Sdr Lim Kit Siang, Salahuddin Ayub and Sivarasa Rasiah dibenarkan bertemu dengan Dr Jeyakumar di Bukit Aman selepas di discaj dari Institut Jantung Negara.

Sebelum ini seramai 9 orang ahli Parlimen telah cuba melawat Dr Kumar di Institut Jantung Negara, tetapi tidak dibenarkan berjumpa.

Selain dari lawatan 3 orang Ahli Parlimen di Bukit Aman, situasi agak juga sibuk pada hari itu dengan pelbagai lagi aksi protest. Satu lagi memorandum kepada Ketua Polis Negara di Bukit Aman diserahkan oleh gerakan rakyat Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (JERIT) menuntut para EO6 dibebaskan segera.

Keluarga–keluarga tahanan juga berkumpul di Bukit Aman pada hari, dalam satu suasana protes ‘picnic’ diluar bangunan Ibupejabat Polis Bukit Aman. Wakil keluarga secara tidak langsung memaparkan ketidak puashatian mereka dengan penahanan tanpa sebab kesemua 6 aktivis PSM.

Sejurus selepas itu, para keluarga tahanan Ordinan Darurat EO6 PSM mengadakan suatu sidang media pada hari itu, mengkongsikan kerisauan mereka terhadap tahanan dan membantah tindakan polis yang terus menahan mereka tanpa sebab. Sidang akhbar ini diadakan di pejabat LoyarBuruk di Bangsar, KL.

Pada malam hari, seperti biasa, walaupun hari mula hujan, protes candlelight vigil terus diadakan tanpa gagal di perkarangan Ibupejabat Polis Bukit Aman.

Siri #HariIniDalamSejarah ini akan menjejaki usaha PSM dalam Perjuangan Membebaskan Tahanan PSM EO6 sehingga hari mereka dibebaskan pada 29 Julai, 2011. Nantikan kiriman kami yang seterusnya.


ℹ️ Untuk maklumat terkini, sertai saluran Telegram PSM di ? t.me/partisosialis

10 years commemoration of the detention and struggle to release the 6 PSM activists from Emergency Ordinance (2011-2021)

14 July 2011

14 Jul – Human Rights Watch urges the government to free immediately and unconditionally the 6 detained Socialist Party members, rescind the charges against another 24 party members already released on bail, and to stop using preventive detention legislation, such as the Emergency Ordinance, against peaceful protesters.

Human Rights Watch urged the government to free immediately and unconditionally the 6 detained Socialist Party members, rescind the charges against another 24 party members already released on bail, and to stop using preventive detention legislation, such as the Emergency Ordinance, against peaceful protesters.



For the latest updates, subscribe to the Socialist Party of Malaysia’s Telegram channel at t.me/partisosialis

Siri 15 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011) – Ulangtahun ke-10

14 Julai 2011

14 Julai – PSM mengadakan sidang akhbar mendedahkan bagaimana Kerajaan merancang suatu konspirasi jahat terhadap tahanan EO6 dan PSM.  

Dalam sidang akhbar ini, kami membongkarkan soalan-soalan yang ditanya kepada 6 orang tahanan EO6 tersebut. Soalan-soalan tersebut lebih bertujuan memerangkap PSM seolah-olah kami bergerak sebagai agen Parti Komunis Malaya yang terbubar lama itu. Kami juga membongkarkan bagaimana beberapa soalan yang ditujukan kepada tahanan telah siap dengan jawapannya, membuktikan bahawa pihak polis sebenarnya bukan menyiasat tetapi ingin memerangkap kami dalam suatu konspirasi terancang. Polis benar-benar serius melaksanakan suatu konspirasi jahat terhadap PSM untuk menjustifikasikan penahanan ini.

Komrad–komrad yang dibebaskan pada 4  Julai 2011 lalu dari Kepala Batas juga tampil membuat laporan polis pengalaman mereka dalam tahanan. Soalan-soalan yang ditanya kepada mereka dan penderaan mental yang mereka lalui akibat agenda konspirasi ini terus dibongkarkan. Selepas himpunan BERSIH perjuangan kami bertukar lebih menyerang dan membongkarkan salahlaku dan konspirasi jahat ini oleh polis.

Siri #HariIniDalamSejarah ini akan menjejaki usaha PSM dalam Perjuangan Membebaskan Tahanan PSM EO6 sehingga hari mereka dibebaskan pada 29 Julai, 2011. Nantikan kiriman kami yang seterusnya.


ℹ️ Untuk maklumat terkini, sertai saluran Telegram PSM di ? t.me/partisosialis

Statements by other organisations, 13 July 2011.

Post July 9, 2011 BERSIH:  Towards a new equilibrium — Chandra Muzaffar

July 13, 2011


Compared to street demonstrations elsewhere, including in long established democracies, July 9 was relatively free of violence.
Credit for this should go to both the protesters and the police who exercised a great deal of restraint. It is equally commendable that all those arrested were released within hours.

Having said that, I would concur with some major dailies that concluded that there was no winner in the July 9 episode. The protesters failed to advance the cause of electoral reform which was drowned in the din of an unabashedly partisan demonstration.

The  goal of creating a huge popular momentum that would carry Pakatan Rakyat to the gates of Putrajaya — which was the real reason for the protest — was not realised either partly because the turnout was only a fraction of the 300,000 that the Bersih organisers had hoped for.

The government’s image has also been tarnished within a segment of the Malaysian middle and upper classes and in the foreign media because of its eternal aversion to mass gatherings initiated by the political opposition which is after all the norm in any democracy.

While there were no winners, there was a clear loser — the tens of thousands of mainly Kuala Lumpur folk whose incomes and earnings were badly affected by July 9. This, more than anything else, should compel all of us to reflect seriously on street demonstrations, the politics that surround them and the future of democracy in our country.

It is simplistic to establish a one-to-one equation between street demonstrations and the freedom of assembly. Freedom of assembly as a civil liberty expresses itself in many ways. Of its many manifestations, it is perhaps street demonstrations that often impinge upon the rights of others. It is a mode of political protest that sometimes affects adversely a basic human right — the right to livelihood. This is why as a form of political action it should only be employed when every other avenue available in a democratic society has failed.

Bersih had not exhausted all the other legitimate channels of redress. It could have continued the dialogue it began in December last year with the Election Commission after the Sarawak State Election of April 2011, especially since the EC insists that its doors are always open.

There was no attempt to amend the Election Act through the parliamentary process. After all, the Pakatan Rakyat is well represented in the Dewan Rakyat. Even when the Bersih delegation had an audience with His Majesty the Yang Di Pertuan Agong a few days before 9 July, it did not present its much publicized 8 demands on electoral reform to the King. Its feeble excuse was that the memorandum was not ready!

Electoral reform, it is only too obvious, was just a smokescreen for a street demonstration that would set the stage — as some of us had predicted — for allegations of police brutality and state suppression of dissent that are now being widely disseminated through certain media channels that represent interests and goals that are closely linked to the global hegemonic power structure.

These allegations in turn are now being legitimised by bodies such as the UN Human Rights Council which is of course integral to that power structure. The ultimate objective is to propel to power the hegemon’s candidate for the Prime Ministership which again is intertwined with its larger geopolitical agenda in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Malaysian government which has comprehensive video and other documentary evidence of the train of events on July 9 has refuted allegations of police misconduct. If there is incontrovertible proof, it has promised to take immediate and effective action against the wrongdoer.

But it must do more than that. It must ask itself why in spite of a whole gamut of drastic preemptive measures aimed at foiling the demonstration — from the arrests of more than a 100 persons; the confiscation of Bersih paraphernalia; the banning of yellow Bersih T-shirts; the raiding of the Bersih secretariat; and declaring Bersih illegal — 10,000 to 12,000 people still gathered to express their dissent?

Isn’t it possible that some of the measures themselves had provoked the people’s anger and steeled their determination to protest?  Aren’t these measures a reflection of a state-centred notion of security that not only undermines human dignity but is also at variance with popular aspirations for freedom everywhere?

This was clearly mirrored in the arrest of activists under a draconian Emergency Ordinance which appears to link them to alleged communist activities — an allegation which is utterly incredulous, given the prevalent political scenario. These activists, including a Member of Parliament, Dr. Jayakumar Devaraj, should be released immediately. It would demonstrate that the State is prepared to reappraise its somewhat antiquated notion of security.

In a sense, the Minister of Home Affairs, Dato Seri Hishamuddin Hussein, had begun to subject to scrutiny many of the laws that reinforce this approach to security last year through a series of candid dialogues with civil society groups. Some of us felt that certain laws like the emergency laws, the Internal Security Act (ISA) and the Sedition Act should be repealed and other laws such as the Police Act and the Publications Act substantially amended to reflect a new equilibrium between dignity and security.

An example of that new equilibrium would be institutionalising public assemblies in stadiums as a right. The elimination of detention without trial while ensuring that acts which threaten public order are nipped in the bud would be another example. The abrogation of the annual licensing requirement for newspapers would be a third example.

The new media, the public demand for greater accountability and transparency and rising youth power the world over make it imperative that we move towards a new equilibrium without delay. There is another reason why we cannot afford to procrastinate. Manipulating the genuine urge for freedom among the masses in other lands expressed through demonstrations has become the last hurrah of a declining global power.

*  Dr Chandra Muzaffar is Professor of Global Studies at Universiti Sains Malaysia and the author of Hegemony Justice and Peace.

LKS: I will wear yellow every Saturday until PSM6 under EO are released, ban on Bersih lifted, BN xanthophobia ended and eight Bersih 2.0 demands for electoral reforms implemented

Media Statement by DAP Parliamentary Leader and MP for Ipoh Timor Lim Kit Siang in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, 13th July 2011:


I will wear yellow every Saturday until PSM6 under EO are released, ban on Bersih lifted,  BN xanthophobia ended and eight Bersih 2.0 demands for electoral reforms implemented


Beginning this weekend, I will wear yellow every Saturday until:

(1)   the PSM6 namely Sungai Siput MP Dr Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj, PSM deputy chairperson M Saraswathy, central committee members Choo Chon Kai and M Sukumaran, Sungai Siput branch secretary A Letchumanan, and Youth leader Sarat Babu detained under Emergency Ordinance are released;

(2)  The ban on Bersih lifted;

(3)  Barisan Nasional government’s xanthophobia (fear of yellow) ended; and

(4)  The eight Bersih 2.0 demands for electoral reforms implemented.  The eight Bersih 2.0 demands are:


  • Clean electoral roll;
  • Reform postal ballot;
  • Use indelible ink;
  • Minimum 21-day campaign period;
  • Free and fair media access;
  • Strengthen public institutions;
  • Stop corruption;
  • End dirty politics.

Three days after the disastrous mishandling of the peaceful and legitimate Bersih 2.0 rally calling for free and fair elections, which has given the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razaki’s 1Malaysia administration a national and international black-eye, there are no signs that the powers-that-be have learnt anything at all, as illustrated by the following:


  • The refusal to release the PSM6 detained under Emergency Ordinance on trumped-up charge;
  • the refusal of the Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussin and the police to admit that while there were exemplary cops on duty on 709, there had been police excesses, violence and brutality during the Bersih 2.0 rally, as in causing the death of Baharuddin Ahmad; the criminal police landrover ramming of PAS Deputy President Mat Sabu on motor-bike; and  the wanton and reckless firing of tear gas and water cannons into Tung Shin Hospital and directly at Bersih and Pakatan Rakyat leaders at KL Sentral tunnel;
  • the continued harassment and arrests of Malaysians for wearing the yellow Bersih T-shirt.


The irresponsible, irrational and wild charge by Utusan Malaysia today accusing Selangor Pakatan Rakyat (PR) and Bersih leaders of treason for allegedly disobeying both the Yang di Pertuan Agong and Selangor Sultan in going ahead with the 709 Bersih 2.0 rally is significant as  proof that the powers-that-be are incorritible and cannot learn anything, that they are trapped in a “time warp” and cannot reconnect with the Bersih 1Malaysia generation which came of age on Saturday – comprising Malaysians regardless of  race, religion, region, age or gender.

Utusan Malaysia is the voice of the Umno leadership. Is Utusan and the Umno leadership seriously suggesting that the 50,000 Malaysians who braved police threats, mass arrests, tear gas and water cannons to peacefully gather in support of Bersih 2.0 call for free and fair elections, and the millions of Malaysians all over the country and in foreign countries who supported and prayed for the peaceful success of 709, are disloyal and traitors to king and country?

No, it is Utusan and the Umno leadership who are disloyal and traitors to king and country if they are so irresponsible and reckless as to make such wild allegations  that  tens and hundreds of thousands and even millions of Malaysians are disloyal and traitors for supporting the peaceful 709 Bersih 2.0 rally – as they are trying to turn the majority of Malaysians regardless of race, religion, region, age or gender against the king and country.

Because Utusan and the Utusan Malaysia are in a “time warp”, they can never understand or empathise with the many touching and heart-wrenching Bersih stories in social media testifying to their highest love and loyalty to the country which motivated ordinary Malaysians to act in an extraordinary manner on 709!

From Utusan’s wild, reckless and irrational allegations today, it is clear that the advice of the University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) social anthropologist Professor Datuk Shamsul Amri Baharuddin that the Najib administration should discard its “Cold War” mindset and to modernize its concepts to address internal security and national issues has fallen on deaf ears.

Shamsul had reminded the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition just after 709  that the “enemy” was no longer armed communists battling a jungle war but a civilian movement consisting of politically awakened middle class that is wired to the global community and moved by fully  legitimate issues based on the Malaysian Constitution such as free and fair elections; human rights of freedom of assembly and association; integrity, good, clean and incorruptible governance!

A close confidante and strategist of the former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, had in fact pronounced the BN’s 709 “War of Intimidation” as having “backfired” as “Malaysians no longer fear the sight of armed security forces, the threat of racial riots and or the Communist bogey.”

He admitted that “It is indeed ironic that the ‘1Malaysia’ slogan of the Prime Minister was reflected more in the ranks of the Bersih 2.0 campaign on 9th July 2011 than in the ranks of political opportunist and upstart Khairy Jamaluddin’s miniscule band of ‘Red Shirts’ provocateurs”.

He said Najib’s highly-paid experts and strategists were expensive failures despite RM billions of expenditure, as their  “Blue Ocean Strategy”, the essence of which is to “make the competition irrelevant and creating uncontested market place” has ended up in the 709 “fiasco” where “the Opposition has become more relevant than ever and has captured and occupied more effectively – physically and mentally – both the uncontested and contested ‘political market place’”.

He even wagered his “reputation as the former political secretary to the fourth Prime Minister” that if election is held this year, “the Barisan Nasional will never be able to reclaim the 2/3rd majority in Parliament as well as the four state governments controlled by the Opposition coalition” and that “The Prime Minister will be ousted within six months from date of the election”.

 Whether Utusan Malaysia is the foremost practitioner of such Najib “Blue Ocean strategy”,  what is clear is that ordinary Malaysians must continue act in extraordinary ways  to make their voice heard loud and clear as in the historic 709 Bersih 2.0 rally.

Let the Bersih 1Malaysia generation of all races, religions, regions, age and gender  demonstrate their love, loyalty and patriotism for the country every Saturday with a national demonstration countrywide of yellow – which not only signifies their determination and commitment to create a Clean Malaysia in elections, political system and national governance but also love and loyalty to King and the system of constitutional monarchy as yellow is also royal colour.

                                                Lim Kit Siang

Statement of the Egyptian Socialist Party

Siri #HariIniDalamSejarah ini akan menjejaki usaha PSM dalam Perjuangan Membebaskan Tahanan PSM EO6 sehingga hari mereka dibebaskan pada 29 Julai, 2011. Nantikan kiriman kami yang seterusnya.


ℹ️ Untuk maklumat terkini, sertai saluran Telegram PSM di ? t.me/partisosialis

Siri 14 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011) – Ulangtahun ke-10

Siri 14 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011) – Ulangtahun ke-10

13 Julai 2011

13 Julai – Selepas aksi BERSIH pada 9 Julai 2011, desakan untuk membebaskan tahanan PSM EO6 bertambah kerana jelas sekali intimidasi pemerintah untuk menakutkan rakyat dengan tahanan tersebut dan pembohongan tuduhan yang dilemparkan gagal menghentikan himpunan Bersih 2011 yang berjaya itu.

Maka kenapa lagi mahu menahan mereka? BERSIH mengeluarkan kenyataan menuntut agar penahanan aktivis PSM dihentikan segera dan mereka dibebaskan.

“Rasa kesal ini juga turut dipanjangkan kepada keenam-enam ketua Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) yang masih ditahan di bawah Ordinan Darurat. Berdasarkan laporan yang kami terima, layanan yang diberikan kepada mereka semasa berada dalam tahanan amatlah membimbangkan. Kami menyeru supaya mereka dibebaskan segera tanpa syarat.|”

Ahli Jawatankuasa Induk, (BERSIH 2.0) –Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan (Pengerusi), Andrew Khoo, Arul Prakkash, Arumugam K., Dr Farouk Musa, Haris Ibrahim, Liau Kok Fah, Maria Chin Abdullah, Richard Y W Yeoh, Dr Subramaniam Pillay, Dato’ Dr Toh Kin Woon, Dr Wong Chin Huat, Dato’ Yeo Yang Poh dan Zaid Kamaruddin.

Dr. Nasir Pengerusi PSM juga merakamkan kerisauannya kerana Dr Kumar yang merupakan seorang pesakit jantung masih dalam tahanan bersama 5 aktivis PSM yang lain. Beliau membangkitkan peristiwa seorang aktivis yang bernama Baharuddin Ahmad yang meninggal dunia semasa himpunan BERSIH disyaki kerana kekerasan yang digunakan oleh polis terhadap protestan.

Pada hari ini juga, satu lagi Memorandum kepada Ketua Polis mendesak pembebasan PSM EO6 bersama dengan kumpulan tandatangan. Protes harian pada malam berterusan dan semakin rancak di Bukit Aman.

Perkongsian Siri ini diakhiri dengan sajak yang dipena oleh adik Dr Kumar, Dr Prema Devaraj, yang dibacakan dalam protes candlelight vigil.

How can it be …
That rapists, murderers, drug dealers, child abductors and human traffickers
Can roam freely in the streets
Yet the PSM 6 remain in detention 

How can it be …
That fascist and racist politicians
Can continue to lie, incite, threaten and bully
Yet the PSM 6 remain in detention 

How can it be …
That unprincipled politicians, with no thought for the rakyat
Continue to plunder the country’s resources
Yet the PSM 6 remain in detention 

How can it be …
That the ridiculous claims of waging war against the King
Have come to naught
Yet the PSM 6 remain in detention 

How can it be …
That the real threats to national well-being
Still manoeuvre and plot in Putrajaya
Yet the PSM 6 remain in detention 

How can it be …
That the government of the day
Holds a seat on the Human Rights Council
Yet the PSM 6 remain in detention 

How can it be …
That while basic religious teachings promote
Service to others, help for the needy and a just world
Yet the PSM 6 remain in detention 

How can it be …
How can it be … 

Come the next General Elections, I know how I will vote. 

How will you? 

Prema Devaraj is an Aliran executive committee member

Siri #HariIniDalamSejarah ini akan menjejaki usaha PSM dalam Perjuangan Membebaskan Tahanan PSM EO6 sehingga hari mereka dibebaskan pada 29 Julai, 2011. Nantikan kiriman kami yang seterusnya.


ℹ️ Untuk maklumat terkini, sertai saluran Telegram PSM di ? t.me/partisosialis

Siri 12 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011)– Ulangtahun ke-10

Siri 12 – Memperingati Perjuangan Pembebasan Aktivis PSM EO6 (2011)– Ulangtahun ke-10

11 Julai 2011

11 Julai – Selepas kejayaan perhimpunan BERSIH yang signifikan, PSM melancarkan kempen membebaskan EO6 dengan lebih giat lagi. Hampir setiap hari selepas itu ada sahaja NGO ataupun cawangan-cawangan PSM dari seluruh negara yang menghantar petisyen menuntut pembebasan kepada Kementerian Dalam Negeri dan Ketua Polis Negara di Bukit Aman.

Pada hari ini juga, suatu kempen faks surat petisyen menuntut pembebasan dilancarkan kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri, Hishamuddin; Ketua Polis Ismail Omar; Perdana Menteri, Najib Razak pada dari tarikh 11 hingga 15 Julai, 2011. Pelbagai organisasi menyambut kempen ini dan menghantar faks ke pejabat-pejabat tersebut. Sokongan juga diterima dari organisasi luar Negara.  


Himpunan protes malam di Bukit Aman juga memperlihatkan penambahan dalam bilangan peserta, menghadiri candle light vigil. Polis mula merasa resah dengan kehadiran yang semakin bertambah mendesak pembebasan PSM EO6.

Siri #HariIniDalamSejarah ini akan menjejaki usaha PSM dalam Perjuangan Membebaskan Tahanan PSM EO6 sehingga hari mereka dibebaskan pada 29 Julai, 2011. Nantikan kiriman kami yang seterusnya.


ℹ️ Untuk maklumat terkini, sertai saluran Telegram PSM di ? t.me/partisosialis